
on 2012年12月31日 星期一
聖經閱讀:詩篇9:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

像天父一樣  我是教會的主日學老師,看到小朋友個個就像他們的爸媽一樣,實在很有趣。有一位媽媽很容易緊張不安,她總是擔心不好的事就要發生,而她的小女兒就跟她一樣。有一位爸爸總是沉默寡言,但做事喜歡速戰速決,而他的兒子就跟他一個樣。
「你不撇棄尋求你的人。」 詩篇9:10b

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Be Like the Father
Bible Reading: Psalm 9:1-10
Monday, December 31, 2012

Be Like the Father  I teach a children’s class at church. It is interesting to see that children are just like their parents. One mother is very nervous and always thinks that something bad will happen. Her little daughter is just like her. One father doesn’t talk very much and wants to get everything done very quickly. His son is just like him.
 We should want to be like God. The best way to be like Him is to study what the Bible tells us about Him. In our Bible Reading today we can learn many things about God. He is a good judge, and He listens to us (verse 4). God does not like it when people do bad things (verse 5). We can trust God (verse 10).
 When we learn about God, then we can be like Him. We see that God forgives, and we learn how to forgive other people. We read about God’s patience, and we can follow His example and be patient, too.
 As you think about starting a new year tomorrow, remember to keep on learning more about God. When you truly know Him, then you can be like Him. —BL
“Lord, if people come to you, you will not leave them without help.” Psalm 9:10b
PRAYER: Father, I want to learn more about You every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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