詩篇63 (1)

on 2013年9月30日 星期一
詩篇63 (1)
聖經閱讀:詩篇63:1-2 現代中譯本|合和本

詩篇63 (1)  聖經大部份的版本都說詩篇63是大衛的詩,是大衛在猶大曠野的時候所寫的。為什麼大衛會在曠野呢?也許他正在逃避一個敵人的追殺。
 有時候,我們也許會感到不那麼親近上帝,這時,我們就應該回想曾經跟上帝非常親近的日子,然後我們就可以明白上帝仍然與我們同在,並且會保護我們。 —BH
「因為你時時幫助我;我在你翅膀的庇護下歡樂歌唱。我緊緊跟隨你;你的右手扶持我。」 詩篇63:7-8

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Psalm 63 (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-2
Monday, September 30, 2013

Psalm 63 (1)  Most Bibles say that Psalm 63 is a psalm of David and that it was written when he was in the desert of Judah. Why was David in the desert? Probably he was running away from one of his enemies who wanted to kill him.
 In verse 1 David says, “God...I am searching so hard to find you...I thirst for you in this dry and weary land without water.” When people are in a desert, they often become dry and thirsty. But David was not looking for water. He was spiritually tired, and he was looking for God.
 In verse 2, David remembers when he was close to God in the temple. When David thinks about this, he becomes happy and encouraged.
 Sometimes we may feel that we are not close to God. We should look back to a time when we felt very close to God. Then we realize that God is still with us and that He will protect us. —BH
“...you are the one who helps me. It makes me happy to be under your protection! I stay close to you, and you hold me with your powerful arm.” Psalm 63:7b-8
PRAYER: God, sometimes I feel far away from You. But I know that You are always with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月29日 星期日
聖經閱讀:馬可福音4:35-39 現代中譯本|合和本

暴風雨  今天下午我和我家的狗一起出去散步。當我們到外面時,我知道我們不會走太久,因為空氣又濕又冷,而且刮起了風,感覺好像有一場暴風雨即將來臨。
 今天你正面臨什麼樣的暴風雨呢?就請求上帝來幫助你!祂會使你的恐懼平靜下來,並且賜給你勇氣。 -CW*
「要把一切憂慮都卸給他,因為他關心你們。」 彼得前書5:7
禱告:上帝,祢是如此令人敬畏! 謝謝祢今天幫助我面對我的問題。奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Bible Reading: Mark 4:35-39
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Storms  This afternoon my dog and I went for a walk. When we got outside, I knew that it would not be a long walk. The air was damp and chilly, and the wind was blowing. It felt like a storm was coming soon.
 Our Bible Reading today tells us about a time when Jesus was in a boat with some of His followers. A storm came up. The followers thought they would drown. But Jesus calmed the storm. “Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm” (verse 39).
 Sometimes we face storms in our lives. These storms may be death, sickness, financial problems or broken family relationships. God is the only one who can truly help us. When we rely on Him to help us, we can face our problems and not be afraid.
 What storms are you facing today? Ask God to help you. He will calm your fears and give you courage. —CW*
“Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
PRAYER: God, You are so awesome! Thank You for helping me face my problems today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月28日 星期六
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書3:8-11 現代中譯本|合和本

改變  有一天,我和先生兩人在湖邊散步。我們注意到有一隻大鳥在樹上盤旋,牠真是好美!我原以為那是一隻老鷹,但當我靠近看時,才發現牠其實是一隻火雞禿鷹!
 我希望你已經願意讓上帝來改變你,並藉由祂的兒子耶穌賜給你新的生命。 -DJH*
「那從主─就是聖靈─所發出這榮耀在改變我們,使我們成為他的樣式,有更輝煌的榮耀。」 哥林多後書3:18b

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Bible Reading: Colossians 3:8-11
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Changed  One day my husband and I walked around a lake. We noticed a big bird making wide circles among the trees. It was beautiful! I thought it was an eagle. But when I got a closer look, I realized it was a turkey buzzard!
 I had always thought a turkey buzzard was an ugly bird. So I was surprised to see how beautiful and graceful it was when it was flying. Seeing that bird changed my thinking about turkey buzzards. Now I remember them for their beauty instead of their ugliness.
 This experience reminded me that my sins make me ugly, too. Romans 3:23 says that all people “have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness.” But our Bible Reading today tells us that when we become Christians, we are changed. “Now you are wearing a new life, a life that is new every day” (verse 10a).
 I hope that you have allowed God to change you and give you a new life through His Son, Jesus. —DJH*
“We all show the Lord’s glory, and we are being changed to be like him. This change in us brings more and more glory.” 2 Corinthians 3:18b
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for changing me to be like Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月27日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇79:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

將榮耀歸給上帝  大部分人在犯罪的時候會有罪惡感,有些人會太過內疚而變得沮喪,這些人會嘗試各種方法來讓自己好過一點。
 下一次你祈求上帝赦免你的時候,務必同時謝謝祂藉由耶穌賜下的救恩,然後藉著傳揚祂的愛和赦罪之恩來將榮耀歸給上帝。 -SH*
「上主啊,求你照你的應許赦免我的罪,因為我罪孽深重。」 詩篇25:11

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Give Glory to God
Bible Reading: Psalm 79:1-13
Friday, September 27, 2013

Give Glory to God  When most people sin, they feel guilty. Some people feel so guilty that they become depressed. These people do all kinds of things to try and make themselves feel better.
 In our Bible Reading today, the writer feels guilty for the sins of the Israelites. Because Israel turned away from God, He allowed other nations to kill them and destroy their cities. The writer prays that God will forgive the Israelites.
 It is important that we notice why the writer prayed for forgiveness. He wasn’t trying to make himself feel better. He wanted people to give glory to God! Verse 9 says, “Our God and Savior, help us! That will bring glory to your name. Save us and forgive our sins for the good of your name.”
 The next time you ask God to forgive you, be sure to also thank Him for salvation through Jesus. Then give God glory by telling others about His love and forgiveness. —SH*
“Lord, I have done many wrong things. But I ask you to forgive them all to show your goodness.” Psalm 25:11
PRAYER: Father, I want to honor and glorify You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月26日 星期四
聖經閱讀:希伯來書11:23-29 現代中譯本|合和本

信心  摩西和他的家人對上帝有很大的信心。首先,摩西的父母親相信上帝會看顧嬰孩摩西,他們把他放進在水中的籃子裡,然後埃及公主發現了摩西並扶養他。這些全都是上帝計畫的一部份,為要使以色列人脫離奴隸的生活。
 摩西有很大的信心,而上帝就幫助他成為一個很棒的領導者。我希望今天你也願意讓上帝來使用你。 -ECW
「由於信心,他設立逾越節……,使那執行毀滅的天使不至於殺了以色列人的長子。」 希伯來書11:28

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Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:23-29
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Faith  Moses and his family had great faith in God. First, Moses’ parents had faith that God would take care of baby Moses. They put him in a basket in the water. The Egyptian king’s daughter found Moses and raised him. This was all part of God’s plan to free the Israelites from slavery.
 When Moses was grown, God called him to go to the Egyptian king. Moses had faith that God would help him talk to the king about letting the Israelites go free. Moses showed the king God’s great power through many miracles.
 Finally, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and to a new land. God separated the water of the Red Sea so that the people could walk across on dry land. Verse 29a of our Bible Reading tells us, “And God’s people all walked through the Red Sea as if it were dry land. They were able to do this because they had faith.”
 Moses had great faith, and God helped him be a great leader. I hope that you will allow God to use you today. —ECW
“Moses prepared the Passover...so that the angel of death would not kill their firstborn sons. Moses did this because he had faith.” Hebrews 11:28
PRAYER: God, thank You for Moses’ great example of faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月25日 星期三
聖經閱讀:約書亞記6:12-21 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的道路  今天的經文告訴我們耶利哥戰役的故事。這是我最喜歡的聖經故事之一,為什麼呢?因為這個故事告訴我們以色列人順服上帝。
 這節經文幫助我記得,上帝的道路永遠是對我最好的。當我開始質疑上帝對我生命的計畫時,我就必須像以色列人一樣順服祂。 -DJH
「人民一聽見就大聲吶喊,城牆隨著倒塌了。全軍往前直衝,佔領了這座城。」 約書亞記6:20b

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God’s Way
Bible Reading: Joshua 6:12-21
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

God’s Way  Our Bible verses today tell us about the battle of Jericho. This is one of my favorite Bible stories. Why? Because this story shows us that the Israelites obeyed God.
 Think about what God asked the Israelites to do: 1) March around Jericho and blow trumpets once a day for six days, and 2) On the seventh day, march around Jericho seven times, blow trumpets and shout loudly. That’s all the Israelites had to do. Then God made the city walls fall down.
 I wonder if the Israelites thought that God had a strange plan to conquer Jericho. Sometimes God asks me to do something that seems strange to me. I begin to question God’s way. But I need to remember Isaiah 55:8. “The Lord says, ‘My thoughts are not like yours. Your ways are not like mine.’”
 That verse helps me remember that God’s way is always the best way for me. When I question God’s plan for my life, I need to be like the Israelites and obey Him. —DJH*
“When the people heard the trumpets, they began shouting. The walls fell down, and the people ran up into the city. So the Israelites defeated that city.” Joshua 6:20b
PRAYER: God, I want to always trust Your way in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月24日 星期二
聖經閱讀:馬太福音6:25-34 現代中譯本|合和本

嘎嘎叫的鳥兒  那時我正在電腦上工作,我聽見鳥兒在外面大聲地嘎嘎叫,於是我從窗戶往外看,想看看發生了什麼事。
 這個情況讓我想起今天的經文。上帝照顧我,就像祂也供應這些鳥兒一樣。但是我們不並需要生氣地「嘎嘎叫」,我們只需要相信並遵從上帝,然後祂就會照顧我們。 -BH
「你們要先追求上帝主權的實現,遵行他的旨意,他就會把這一切都供給你們。因此,你們不要為明天憂慮,明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天擔當就夠了。」 馬太福音6:33-34

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Squawking Birds
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-34
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Squawking Birds  I was working on my computer. I could hear birds squawking outside. I looked out the window to see what was happening.
 My neighbors have several bird feeders in their trees. Sometimes squirrels climb through the tree branches and try to steal food from the feeders. It is very entertaining to watch the squirrels as they twist and turn to get the food.
 Usually the birds do not eat until the squirrels leave. But on that day, the birds were very upset. Squirrels were stealing their food. They wanted the squirrels to leave the bird food alone. That’s why they were squawking.
 This situation reminded me of our Bible Reading for today. God takes care of me, just like He also provides for the birds. But we don’t need to “squawk” and get upset. We just need to trust and follow God. Then He will take care of us. —BH
“What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.” Matthew 6:33-34
PRAYER: Father, I want to do what You want me to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen


聖經閱讀:詩篇56:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

詩篇56  詩篇56的作者正被他的敵人攻擊,在這些經節裡,他呼求上帝幫助他、憐憫他。整首詩歌裡,作者談到兩件重要的事情:信靠和頌讚。
「主啊,我要在列國中感謝你;我要在萬民中頌讚你。你永恆的愛上達高天;你的信實高入雲霄。」 詩篇57:9-10

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Psalm 56
Bible Reading: Psalm 56:1-13
Monday, September 23, 2013

Psalm 56  The writer of Psalm 56 was being attacked by his enemies. In these verses, he asks God to help him and show him mercy. Throughout the psalm, the writer talks about two important things: trust and praise.
 Verse 4 says, “I trust God, so I am not afraid of what people can do to me! I praise God for his promise to me.” Then in verses 10 and 11, the writer says, “I praise God for his promise. I praise the Lord for his promise to me. I trust God, so I am not afraid of what people can do to me!”
 Trusting and praising God go together. When we trust God, He will never fail us. He always knows what is best for us. God will always help and guide us. Then, when we see that God has helped us, we will want to praise Him!
 Be sure to trust God today. And when you see Him working in your life, stop and praise Him for His goodness. —ECW
“My Lord, I will praise you before all people. I will sing praises about you to every nation. Your faithful love is higher than the highest clouds in the sky!” Psalm 57:9-10
PRAYER: Lord, I put my trust in You. Thank You for guiding me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年9月22日 星期日
聖經閱讀:路加福音15:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

喜樂  今天的聖經閱讀告訴我們一個牧羊人失去一隻羊的故事。牧羊人四處尋找那隻羊,當他找到牠時,就把羊帶回家;每個人都很高興那隻羊被找回了。
「帶回家去,然後邀請朋友鄰居,對他們說:『來跟我一起慶祝吧,我那隻迷失的羊兒已經找著了!』」 路加福音15:6

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Bible Reading: Luke 15:1-7
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Joy  Our Bible Reading today tells us about a shepherd who lost one sheep. The shepherd searched for the sheep. When the shepherd found the sheep, he brought it home. Everyone was happy because the sheep was found.
 In this story, the sheep represents a person who does not know Jesus. The shepherd is a Christian who shares the Good News about Jesus. The friends who celebrate with the shepherd are other Christians.
 The shepherd and his friends were joyful when the lost sheep was found. In the same way, “heaven is a happy place when one sinner decides to change. There is more joy for that one sinner than for 99 good people who don’t need to change” (verse 7b).
 Do you want to be happy and make other people happy, too? Then tell someone about Jesus and His gift of salvation today! —BL
“And when you find it, you will be very happy. You will carry it home, go to your friends and neighbors and say to them, ‘Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep!’” Luke 15:6-7a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to have compassion for people who do not know Jesus. Help me to share Jesus with them. In His name. Amen.


on 2013年9月21日 星期六
聖經閱讀:箴言6:12-19 現代中譯本|合和本

說謊  當我在小學一年級的時候,我們學校有一個特別的計畫。有人為我們製作了一個大型的娃娃屋,而我們的任務就是去佈置這個娃娃屋並幫它上色。
 你要確定今天所做是事是尊榮上帝、蒙上帝喜悅的。 —DJH*
「說實話,顯示公正;作假證,傷害無辜。」 箴言12:17

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Telling Lies
Bible Reading: Proverbs 6:12-19
Friday, September 21, 2013

Telling Lies  When I was in first grade, our school had a special project. Someone made a large doll house for us. Our job was to paint and furnish the doll house.
 One day another girl and I were painting the doll house. I accidentally spilled some paint. I tried to clean it up, but my teacher noticed the mess. She asked who had spilled the paint. I pointed to the other girl and said, “I think she did it!”
 My teacher soon discovered that I had spilled the paint. She removed me from the classroom and disciplined me. She did not punish me for spilling the paint — that was an accident. She punished me for lying.
 Verse 17 of our Bible Reading today tells us that lying is one thing that God hates. I could not fool my teacher, and we cannot fool God. He knows us, and He knows when we do not tell the truth.
 Make sure that you are doing things today that please and honor God. —DJH*
“Good people speak the truth and can be trusted in court, but liars make bad witnesses.” Proverbs 12:17
PRAYER: Dear God, I don’t want to tell lies. Help me to please You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.