
on 2012年8月31日 星期五

聖潔 聖潔的意思是,控制我們的思想與身體,讓我們可以順服上帝。但是,我們要如何做到呢?

「每一個人要曉得依照聖潔合宜的方法控制自己的身體。」 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:4



Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
Friday, August 31, 2012

Purity Purity means controlling our minds and bodies so that we obey God. But how can we do this?
First, we need to study the Bible. Then we will know what God wants us to do and how we can resist temptation. Second, we should not think impure thoughts. If we think about doing something wrong, we will probably do it.
Third, we need to remember that our bodies belong to God. Verse 7 of our Bible Reading says, “God called us to be holy. He does not want us to live in sin.” God wants us to let Him control our thoughts and our bodies.
Fourth, we can help each other live pure and holy lives. Christians should remind each other to stay pure. Galatians 6:1a tells us, “Brothers and sisters, a person in your group might do something wrong. You people who are spiritual should go to the person who is sinning. You should help to make him right again.”
I hope you are keeping yourself pure for God. —GT

“God wants each one of you to learn to control your own body. Use your body in a way that is holy and that gives honor to God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:4

PRAYER: Father, I want to have a pure life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月30日 星期四

肇事逃逸 今天的經文告訴我們一個猶太人的故事,這個人他被打、被搶、被丟下等死。這樣的故事情節就好像現今的肇事逃逸事件,就是有人犯了案卻逃走了。




Bible Reading: Luke 10:30-37
Thursday, August 30, 2012 

Hit-and-Run Our Bible verses today tell us a story about a Jewish man who was beaten, robbed and left for dead. This is kind of like a hit-and-run accident today. That’s when someone causes an accident and then runs away.
Three people walked by and saw the man lying by the road. The first two men were Jews. But they did not stop to help the man. They just went around him. But the third man, a Samaritan, stopped to help. He was an enemy of the Jews, but he still stopped and took the man to an inn . The Samaritan even gave the innkeeper money so he could continue to take care of the man who was hurt!
Jesus told this story to help us understand that we should love and help all people. We should not just help people who think like we do or have the same color skin.
Maybe God will give you a chance to help someone. Be prepared to show God’s love today! —ECW

“You must love the Lord your God. You must love him with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Also, you must love other people the same as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27

PRAYER: Dear God, I want to love other people the same as I love myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月29日 星期三

最適當時間 有兩年的時間,我每個月一次開車往返於佛羅里達州的兩個城市,這是一趟500英哩的旅程。
每一天上帝都供應我們,祂把對我們最好的賜給我們,而且在最適當的時間賜給我們。這表示,我們不應該為我們所需要的憂慮,我們可以倚靠上帝,祂會按著祂的時間照顧我們。 —SAH




The Right Time
Bible Reading: Psalm 145:14-18
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Right Time For two years, once a month I drove back and forth between two cities in Florida. This was a 500-mile trip.
One time as I was driving on a lonely highway, I noticed some birds sitting in the middle of the road. As my car got closer to the birds, I was sure that I was going to hit them. But suddenly they flew away — not too early and not too late. They flew away just at the right time!
In verse 15 of our Bible Reading, the writer praised God. He said, “Lord, all living things look to you for their food. And you give them their food at the right time.”
This shows us that we can depend on God to give us what we need exactly when we need it.
Every day God provides for us. He gives us what is best for us, and He gives it to us at the right time. This means that we should not worry about what we need. We can depend on God to take care of us in His own time. —SAH

“My God is very rich with the glory of Christ Jesus. God will use his riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need.” Philippians 4:19

PRAYER: Father, thank You for giving me just what I need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月28日 星期二

這不公平! 今天的經文是由一位名叫亞薩的人寫的。在這些經節裡,他談到一些不遵從上帝的人。




It’s Not Fair!
Bible Reading: Psalm 73:1-28
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It’s Not Fair! Our Bible verses today were written by a man named Asaph. In these verses he talked about people who did not follow God.
Asaph said that these people had an easy life and didn’t have any troubles (verses 4-5). They had jewels and fancy clothes (verse 6). Asaph was jealous of these people. He was saying, “God, it’s not fair!”
But then in verse 17, Asaph said that he went to the temple. This experience helped him understand that he had something even greater than wealth or fame. He had God’s love and protection forever! Asaph decided that those people who have everything on earth, but do not know God, will have nothing in the end.
Sometimes we may be tempted to envy people who have wealth and popularity. But Christians have what is really important. We have Jesus as our Savior and the promise of eternal life with God. Which will you choose today — to have many things or to have a place in God’s kingdom? —DJH*

“As for me, I have come to God. And that is good for me. I have made the Lord my Master, my place of safety.” Psalm 73:28a

PRAYER: Dear God, I choose You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月27日 星期一

乃縵 乃縵是亞蘭王軍隊的統帥。有一次,他的軍隊和以色列打仗,他們俘擄了一些以色列人充當奴隸,其中有一個小女孩被抓去給乃縵妻子作婢女。
今天的經文告訴我們,乃縵有一個問題──他患了痳瘋病 (一種可怕的皮膚病)。那個小女孩說:「但願我主人(乃縵)能去見住在撒馬利亞的那先知(以利沙)!他一定會醫好他的痳瘋病。」(第3b節)。
上帝使用一個小女孩去告訴乃縵如何讓他的病得醫治,同樣的,上帝也可以使用我們把人帶到祂的面前。今天,你要找機會向所遇見的人分享耶穌的好消息! —ECW

「現在我知道,全世界只在以色列有上帝,沒有別的。從現在起,除了上主以外,我不向任何神明獻燒化祭或牲祭。」列王紀下5:15b, 17b



Bible Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-19
Monday, August 27, 2012

Naaman Naaman was the captain of the army of the king of Aram. One time his army fought with Israel. The soldiers took some Israelites to be slaves. One little girl was taken and given to Naaman’s wife as a servant.
Our Bible Reading tells us that Naaman had a problem — he had leprosy (a terrible skin disease). The little girl said, “I wish that my master (Naaman) would meet the prophet (Elisha) who lives in Samaria. That prophet could heal Naaman of his leprosy” (verse 3b).
So Naaman went to see Elisha. Elisha told Naaman to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman did this, and he was healed. Naaman also started believing in the one true God.
God used a little girl to show Naaman how he could be healed. God can use us, too, to lead people to Him. Look for opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus with someone you meet today! —ECW

“Look, I now know there is no God in all the earth except in Israel! I will never again offer any burnt offering or sacrifice to any other gods. I will offer sacrifices only to the Lord!”2 Kings 5:15b, 17b

PRAYER: God, please use me today to bring someone closer to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月26日 星期日
聖經閱讀:彼得前書4:7-11, 5:6-11

節制 聖靈賜下的最後一樣東西是「節制」,保羅在加拉太書第五章談到了「節制」。在許多年以前,有一個洋芋片的電視廣告,廣告中有一個人說:「我打賭你沒辦法只吃一片洋芋片。」接著,另一個人吃了一片洋芋片後,很快的又吃了更多的洋芋片。這個廣告要表達的是,這種洋芋片實在太好吃了,讓人沒辦法控制自己只吃一片。




Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-11, 5:6-11
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Self-Control The last thing Paul talked about in Galatians, chapter 5, is self-control. Many years ago there was a TV commercial for potato chips. Someone said, “I bet you can’t eat just one potato chip.” Then another person ate one potato chip. But soon that person ate more and more potato chips. The idea of the commercial was that the chips tasted so good that people could not control themselves to eat just one.
Christians today need self-control. We must be careful to control our bodies — what we think, what we do and what we say/sign. In our Bible Reading today, Peter reminds us that the devil wants us to sin. He doesn’t want us to control our bodies.
Look at your life today. Do you need more self-control? Study the Bible and ask God to help you. He will make you strong so you can face the devil and his temptations. —JK

“Because you have these blessings, you should try as much as you can to add these things to your life: to your faith add goodness; and to your goodness add knowledge; and to your knowledge add self-control; and to your self-control add patience; and to your patience add service for God.” 2 Peter 1:5-6

PRAYER: Lord, I need self-control in my life. Help me to depend on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月25日 星期六

溫柔 接下來,聖靈賜給人「溫柔」。提多書只有46節,這本簡短的書是保羅寫給提多的信。保羅與提多在克里特一起同工,後來保羅將提多留在克里特繼續完成教會的事工。在這封信裡,保羅幫助提多處理在教會裡發生的一些事情,他也寫給提多一些關於信心與假教師的教導。




Bible Reading: Titus 3:1-11
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Self-Control Next, the Spirit gives gentleness. The book of Titus has only forty-six verses. This short book is a letter that Paul wrote to Titus. Paul and Titus worked together in Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to continue the work of the church. In this letter, Paul helped Titus deal with things that were happening in the church. He also gave Titus teaching about his faith and about false teachers.
In our Bible Reading, Paul told Titus to remind the Christians about certain things. In verse two, Paul talked about being gentle with other people. This word “gentle” can also mean meek or humble. We should have meekness and humility when we work with other people. Being gentle means that we understand God is in control of our lives. When we realize this, we treat other people with respect and kindness.
Think about your family, your friends and your co-workers. Do you show gentleness to them? If not, the Holy Spirit will help you be more gentle in your life. —JK

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love.” Ephesians 4:2

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be gentle and humble with the people I will meet today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月24日 星期五

忠實或信實 今天,我們要來談談「忠實」。「老忠實」是一個間歇泉(熱溫泉),位於美國的黃石公園裡,它每一小時會固定向空中噴出溫泉。這個間歇泉像這樣忠實地噴出溫泉已經很多年了,今後的數年,它大概也會這樣持續不斷地噴出溫泉,也因為這樣,它被稱為「忠實」。
我們也要對上帝忠實,上帝應該是我們生活中最重要的部份。當我們對丈夫或妻子忠實,我們就是對上帝忠實;當我們對朋友忠實,我們也同時表明對上帝的忠實。我希望你對上帝忠實,就從今天開始,你要忠實地愛上帝、服事上帝。 —JK




Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Friday, August 24, 2012

Faithfulness Today we will talk about faithfulness. “Old Faithful” is a geyser (hot spring) in Yellowstone National Park in America. It erupts and sends hot water into the sky about every hour. This geyser has erupted like this for many years and probably will continue for many more years. That is why it is called “faithful.”
In our Bible Reading, the Israelites were ready to go into the new land that God had promised to them. Moses wanted the people to remember God’s law. In these verses, Moses reminded the Israelites to be faithful to God. Moses also told them to love and worship only God. He taught them to never leave God. That is what faithfulness means.
We, too, should be faithful to God. He should be most important in our lives. When we are faithful to our husband or wife, we are being faithful to God. When we are faithful to our friends, we also show our faithfulness to God. I hope that you are faithful to God. Start today to faithfully love and serve Him. —JK

“God wants you to love him and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12b

PRAYER: God, You are most important to me. Help me to be faithful to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月23日 星期四

良善 加拉太書第五章告訴我們,接下來聖靈賜下的東西是「良善」。有時候,我們會在電視節目中看到一個小孩子想要去做好事、去做對的事,但是其他的小孩卻努力鼓動他去做不對的事。他們會嘲笑那個善良的小孩,並且給他取一些不雅的名字。我們為那個小孩感到難過,但是,上帝卻要我們像這個小孩一樣;上帝要我們厭棄世界上一切不好的事情,祂要我們去做好事、去做對的事。
今天,我們要像約伯一樣,厭棄那些圍繞在我們身邊、邪惡的事,並且要守住那些好的事、對的事。別人也許會對我們做一些不好的事情,但是上帝會看顧我們。上帝因著約伯的良善而看顧他、祝福他,上帝也會同樣地看顧你、祝福你。 —JK




Bible Reading: Job 1:1-12
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Goodness Galatians, chapter 5, tells us that the next thing the Spirit gives is goodness. Sometimes on a TV program we see a child who wants to do what is good and right. Other children try to encourage that child to do what is wrong. They call the good child bad names and tease him. We feel sorry for that child. But God wants us to act like this child. God wants us to hate the bad things in the world and do what is good and right.
Job was a man who was full of goodness. Our Bible Reading says that he was a good, faithful man. Job worshiped God and refused to do evil things. God allowed the devil to do terrible things to Job — he lost his children, his home and his possessions. But Job still followed God. Later God blessed Job with much more than he had before.
Today we need to be like Job. We should hate the evil things around us. We should protect things that are right and good. People may do bad things to us, but God will take care of us. God took care of Job and blessed him for his goodness. God will bless and take care of you, too. —JK

“Hate the things that are evil. Do only the things that are good.” Romans 12:9b

PRAYER: Father in heaven, help me to be like Job. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月22日 星期三

恩慈 接下來,聖靈要賜給基督徒的是「恩慈」。當孩子還小時,我們就開始教導他們對人要有恩慈,例如:「分享你的玩具」、「讓其他人先」、「要常說『請』和『謝謝』」。




Bible Reading: Genesis 13:5-18
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

kindness Kindness is the next thing that the Spirit gives to Christians. When children are small we start teaching them to be kind. “Share your toys.” “Let other people be first.” “Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’”
When I think about kindness, I think about Abraham. Our Bible Reading tells us that Abraham and Lot decided to separate their flocks of animals. Abraham was kind to Lot. Abraham let Lot choose which land he wanted. Lot chose the best land with lots of water. But the place Lot chose was full of sinful people. Lot faced many problems because of his choice.
Abraham stayed in the hills. But God blessed Abraham for his kindness. God promised Abraham much land and many descendents (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren).
God will bless us for our kindness, too. When we are kind to other people, we please God and we are happy. Start today and be kind to the people you see at work, at home and at school. —JK

“Be kind and loving to each other.” Ephesians 4:32a

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to always be kind to other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月21日 星期二





Bible Reading: Luke 23:26-43
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

 Today we will talk about patience. The car in front of you is going 35 mph, and you are late for work. Your boss wants the report finished NOW! Your three-year-old son keeps asking you to play with him, but you are talking on your cell phone. Do you become impatient in these kinds of situations?
Jesus wants us to be patient — with other people, with our situations and with ourselves. Our Bible Reading today tells us about when Jesus was dying on the cross. Jesus gave us the perfect example of patience during the last few hours before He died.
Let’s think about what happened to Jesus. One of His best friends denied Him three times. Soldiers beat Jesus, spat on Him and mocked Him. Then they nailed Jesus to a cross and left Him to die. In all of this, Jesus was patient. He even asked God to forgive the people who crucified Him!
When we are impatient, we sometimes lose our temper or do things that are not nice. The Holy Spirit will help us be patient and not sin. Do you need patience today? Pray and ask God to help you. —JK

“Father, forgive these people that are killing me. They don’t know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

PRAYER: God, I want to be patient like Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月20日 星期一





Bible Reading: John 14:15-31
Monday, August 20, 2012

 Peace is the third thing the Spirit gives. But what does peace mean? Maybe a frustrated mother tells her noisy children that she wants peace in the house. Or world leaders get together and talk about peace. The peace in these examples means “no fighting.”
But in our Bible Reading, Jesus talked about a different kind of peace. This peace is an inner feeling of comfort and safety. Even if people around us are fighting, we can still have this kind of peace. This peace happens when we belong to Jesus and know that He will come again someday.
In our verses, Jesus was meeting with His disciples right before He was killed. Jesus knew that He would die, and He wanted His followers to feel His love and peace.
Jesus wants you to have this peace, too. Follow and obey Him. Then you will have His eternal peace. And other people will see this peace in your life and want to follow Jesus, too. —JK

“I leave you my peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled. Don’t be afraid.’” John 14:27

PRAYER: God, thank You for peace through Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月19日 星期日





文中提到的詩歌:J.O.Y. description song

Bible Reading: John 15:7-17
Sunday, August 19, 2012

 The next thing the Spirit gives is joy. When I was young, our church youth group often sang a song called “JOY.” Some of the words of the song were: “Jesus and Others and You — what a wonderful way to spell JOY.”
That song tells us how we can have real joy in life. First, we should make Jesus the most important part of our lives. Second, we should help and take care of other people. Third, we should think about ourselves.
In our Bible Reading, Jesus talked about joy (happiness). He wants us to have that kind of joy. This joy comes from loving God and obeying His commands. Also, this kind of joy comes from loving other people. If we have this kind of joy, God will take care of us.
Think about the word JOY today. Thank God for His gift of salvation through Jesus. Read and study His commands in the Bible. Love other people in the same way that Jesus loves you. Then you will have true joy. —JK

“I have told you these things so that you can have the true happiness that I have. I want you to be completely happy.” John 15:11

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for showing me how I can be filled with joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月18日 星期六

今天,你要好好想一想這些經文,要努力活出並行出耶穌的樣式! —JK。




Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Saturday, August 18, 2012

 The first thing the Spirit gives is love. If I ask ten people to explain the word “love,” I would probably get ten different answers. Today many people in the world are confused about love. Some people think that love is just feeling good or getting what they want. But our Bible Reading today gives a different explanation of love.
Jesus is the greatest example of love. When I read 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, I think about Jesus. All of these descriptions about love fit Jesus perfectly! I know that Jesus is patient and kind. Jesus is not jealous, He does not boast, and He is not proud. These verses show me how Jesus acted when He was living on earth. They also show us how we should act every day.
Now, what about you? If you put your name in these verses, are the words still true? Are you patient and kind? Are you unselfish and happy with the truth?
Think about these verses today. Try to live and act like Jesus! —JK

“So these three things continue: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.”1 Corinthians 13:13

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I love You. Help me to be like Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月17日 星期五





The Spirit Gives...
Bible Reading: Galatians 5:16-26
Thursday, August 16, 2012

 My friend will have a baby soon. Recently some family members gave her a baby shower (party). My friend received some very nice gifts — clothes for the baby, diapers, a stroller and some baby toys. These are things that she will need to take care of her baby.
When people become Christians, they are like babies. They are just beginning their new life in Jesus. New Christians need to grow and learn more about God and His Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit gives Christians what they will need to grow spiritually. These things are listed in verses 22 and 23 of our Bible Reading today.
The first few verses of our Bible Reading list sinful things that we should not do. Instead of doing these bad things, we should develop the things that the Holy Spirit gives us. For the next few days we will look closely at what He gives us.
Pay close attention to these verses from Galatians today. Make sure that you are showing these attitudes in your life. —JK

“We get our new life from the Spirit. So we should follow the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

PRAYER: God, I want to follow and obey You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月16日 星期四

那你呢?你會像小茱莉亞一樣想要留著自己的錢,或是你會樂意奉獻給上帝,好讓祂的國度可以成長? —NM




Bible Reading: Malachi 3:6-12
Thursday, August 16, 2012

 Two-year-old Julia was sitting with her grandmother in church. The grandmother gave Julia some money to put in the offering basket.
Julia watched as the basket came closer to her. Finally she dropped in her money. Then she shouted so everyone could hear, “Hey, people! Give me my money back!”
Julia was two years old. We can understand why she didn’t want to give up her money. But sometimes we act like Julia, too. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, Paul said, “Each person should give what he has decided in his heart to give. A person should not give if it makes him sad...God loves the person who gives happily.” In our Bible Reading today, God encouraged the Jews to give to Him. And He promised to bless them for their giving.
What about you? Will you be like little Julia and want to keep your money, or will you freely give to God so His kingdom can grow? —NM

“Test me! If you do those things, then I will truly bless you. Good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky. You will have more than enough of everything.” Malachi 3:10b

PRAYER: Dear Father, help me to have the right attitude as I give to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月15日 星期三
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳6:8-15, 7:54-60


「司提反被聖靈充滿,舉目望天,看見上帝的榮耀,又看見耶穌站在上帝的右邊,」 使徒行傳7:55



Bible Reading: Acts 6:8-15, 7:54-60
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

 Stephen was a leader in the church in Jerusalem. Acts 6:1-6 tells us that Stephen was one of the seven men chosen to make sure that the Greek-speaking widows had food to eat. Stephen and these other men were “full of wisdom and full of the Spirit” (Acts 6:3b).
Our Bible Reading tells us that Stephen was able to do miracles, too. But some Jews did not agree with Stephen. They got into an argument. God’s Spirit spoke through Stephen and gave him wisdom. Stephen gave a long speech (Acts, chapter 7). He talked about Abraham and Moses and Joshua. Stephen ended by talking about Jesus.
The Jews were so upset with Stephen that they dragged him out of the city and stoned him. Before Stephen died, he asked God to forgive the people who were killing him.
We should all want to be like Stephen. He was a loving and forgiving Christian. And Stephen was willing to die for Jesus. —ECW

“Stephen looked up into the sky. He saw the Glory of God. He saw Jesus standing at God’s right side.” Acts 7:55b

PRAYER: God, I want to be loving and forgiving like Stephen. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月14日 星期二

與上帝永遠同住將是多麼美好!今天,你要想想這一點並得著安慰! —IMJ

「我去為你們預備地方以後,要再回來,接你們到我那裏去,為要使你們跟我同在一個地方。」 約翰福音14:3



Eternal Life
Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

 Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, people have experienced death, sorrow, pain and crying. And that will continue until the day when Jesus comes back to take His followers to live forever with Him.
Sometimes when we are suffering, it is hard to remember God’s promise of eternal life. That is why I have written down some of God’s promises on note cards. I read these verses when I am sad or in pain. These verses help me remember what it will be like to live forever with God.
Our Bible Reading today gives us a picture of what eternal life with God will be like. Verse 4 tells us that there will be “no more death, sadness, crying or pain.” And verse 6b says, “I will give free water from the spring of the water of life to any person that is thirsty.”
It will be wonderful to live with God forever. Think about this and be encouraged today! —IMJ

“After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you with me, so that you can be where I am.” John 14:3

PRAYER: Father, thank You for the promise of living forever with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月13日 星期一

今天就想想上帝的應許,並記得祂一定會信守祂的應許;祂的話語是我們可以全然信靠的。 —ES

「彩虹就是我與世上所有的生物立約的記號。」 創世記9:17



God’s Promises
Bible Reading: Genesis 9:1-17
Monday, August 13, 2012

 I live near the Mississippi River. We have had a lot of flooding recently. People have lost their homes and possessions. I have seen the power of the river and have a new respect for what water can do.
This flood made me think about our Bible verses today. God told Noah to build a big boat. Why? Because it was going to rain. People must have laughed at Noah. They had never experienced rain on the earth before. They probably had no respect for Noah or the boat.
Finally the rains came, and the waters rose higher and higher. But Noah, his family and the animals God had chosen to be in the boat were safe from the flood. When the flood was over, God made a promise to Noah. “That agreement says that a flood will never again destroy all life on the earth” (verse 15b). God’s promise is still true today. When we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember what God promised.
Think about God’s promises today. And remember that He always keeps His promises. We can depend on His words. —ES

“That rainbow is proof of the agreement that I made with all living things on earth.” Genesis 9:17b

PRAYER: God, thank You for keeping Your promises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月12日 星期日




(尤榮輝譯/台南聖教會英語團契 )

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:16-18
Sunday, August 12, 2012

 Fasting means going without something that is important to you. Why do people fast? People may fast to humble themselves, to ask for forgiveness or to focus on God.
There is no required amount of time for fasting. A fast can last an hour, a few days or several weeks. Fasting in the Bible usually meant giving up food, but you can fast from other things, too. For example, you can give up TV, movies, video games or anything you like to do. Fasting from your favorite activity shows that you are willing to keep God first in your life.
Jesus talked about fasting in our Bible Reading today. He said that it is important when we fast to honor God, not to get attention from other people. Verses 17-18a tell us, “So when you fast, make yourself look nice. Wash your face. Then people will not know that you are fasting. But your Father that you cannot see will see you.”
Should you fast? The decision is up to you. Talk to God about it, and let Him lead you. —GT

“This is the Lord’s message: ‘Now come back to me with all your heart. You did bad things, cry, cry and don’t eat any food!’” Joel 2:12

PRAYER: Lord, show me how I can be closer to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月11日 星期六

無論今天你要做什麼,要確定你做了最重要的事情,就是花一些時間與耶穌在一起,讀祂的話語,並跟祂說話,就像馬利亞所做的一樣。 —ECW



(葉佳楠譯/台南聖教會英語團契 )

Lemon Pie
Bible Reading: Luke 10:38-42
Saturday, August 11, 2012

 Some friends were coming to my house for dinner. I wanted to make a special meal for them. I decided to make a delicious lemon pie for dessert.
This kind of lemon pie was not easy to make, and it required lots of time. I used fresh lemons, and I measured the ingredients well. I made the pie crust the night before and rolled out the dough the next morning. I carefully prepared the filling and poured it into the crust.
As the pie was baking, I found out that my friends could not come to my house. I was so sad. I had worked and worried over that pie. Then I remembered the story in our Bible Reading today. I realized that working and worrying about guests is not really important. What is important is my relationship with Jesus!
No matter what you are doing today, be sure that you do the most important thing — spend some time with Jesus. Read His Word and talk to Him, just like Mary did! —ECW

“Only one thing is important. Mary has made the right choice; and it will never be taken away from her.”Luke 10:42

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to focus on You and Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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on 2012年8月10日 星期五
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上帝想要親近你、愛你並且保護你,今天你就倚靠祂。 —BH




Birds (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-8
Friday, August 10, 2012

 One evening I was looking at different channels on my TV. I saw a show about animals who live in cold regions of the world.
One segment showed a baby penguin and its mother. The mother was standing on a pile of snow. It was snowing and the wind was blowing all around the mother penguin. But the baby penguin was sitting on the mother’s feet, tucked away under a flap of skin and feathers. Here the baby was safe and warm.
That mother and baby penguin are a beautiful picture of how God takes care of us. In verses 7 and 8 of our Bible Reading today, David said, “You really have helped me! I am happy that you protected me! My soul clings to you. And you hold my hand.”
Sometimes I face bad things in life like sickness, financial troubles or death. These things are like the snow and wind that surrounded the penguins. But God will protect us, just like the mother penguin protected her baby.
God wants to be close to you and love and protect you. Depend on Him today. —BH

“He will protect you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.” Psalm 91:4b

PRAYER: God, please protect me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

鳥 (2)

on 2012年8月9日 星期四
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「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。」 詩篇23:1



Birds (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 9:1-20
Wednesday, August 9, 2012

 Once I lived near a pond. In the spring, there were a few geese at the pond. But in the summer, many geese gathered there. They would fly around in groups, finding food to eat and drinking water from the pond.
In the fall, groups of geese began to fly away to a warmer climate. But one small group stayed at the pond. As the snow started to swirl around, I watched the geese try to walk across the ice. I wondered how the geese were able to find water to drink.
Finally I noticed that there always seemed to be a small amount of water at the edge of the pond. When the geese found this water, they flapped their wings like they were excited.
Sometimes in life we face problems — like the geese had a problem finding water. But verse 18 of our Bible Reading reminds us that even when we think we don’t have hope, God doesn’t forget us.
Don’t forget that God will be with you today! —BH

“The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1

PRAYER: God, I am so thankful that You provide everything I need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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on 2012年8月8日 星期三
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即使當我們信心薄弱的時候,我們仍確定知道上帝必與我們同在,並且祂會照顧我們,供應一切我們所需要的。今天,你要記得感謝祂! —BH

我的 神必照他榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裏,使你們一切所需用的都充足。」



Birds (1)
Bible Reading: Luke 12:1-24
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

 Our Bible Reading today tells us about a time when Jesus was speaking to a large group of people. In verses 6 and 7, Jesus said, “When birds are sold, five small birds cost only two pennies. But God does not forget any of them. Yes, God even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Don’t be afraid. You are worth much more than many birds.”
I have faced difficult situations in my life when I felt like I was a small, timid bird. But in these verses Jesus reminds us that God pays attention to the birds. So we can know that He is aware of what is happening to us, too.
In verse 24, Jesus talked about birds again. He said that God feeds them. Then Jesus added, “And you are worth much more than birds” Just as God provides food for the birds, He will also provide for our needs.
Even in times when our faith is small, we can be sure that God is with us, taking care of us and giving us what we need. Be sure to thank Him today! —BH

“My God is very rich with the glory of Christ Jesus. God will use his riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need.” Philippians 4:19

PRAYER: God, I know that You will be with me all the time In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年8月7日 星期二


「如果我們向上帝認罪,他是信實公義的,他要赦免我們的罪,洗淨我們所犯的各種過錯。」 約翰一書1:9



Trash Can
Bible Reading: 1 John 1:5-9
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

 The other day I was working on my computer. On my desktop screen there is a picture of a trash can. When I no longer need a document saved on my computer, I drag it to the trash can. Then it is gone!
This reminded me that I have some trash in my heart. Verse 8 of our Bible Reading says, “If we say that we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” I know that I have sin in my life, and God knows, too.
Sin makes me dirty. God wants me to be clean and holy. I know sin is bad and that I need to depend on God to remove it from my life. That’s why I am so glad God forgives me. Verse 9 assures me of God’s promise to forgive me. I have memorized that verse, and I repeat it every day.
Take time today to think about the sin in your life. Ask God to forgive those sins and help you live closer to Him. —PD

“But if we confess (admit) our sins, then God will forgive our sins. We can trust God to do this. God does what is right. God will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done.” 1 John 1:9

PRAYER: God, I confess my sins to You. Thank You for giving me a clean heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.