
on 2012年10月31日 星期三
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信靠上帝  在今天的經文中,作者的情緒低落並且感到沮喪,他認為上帝已經忘記他了,最後,作者在第3節中懇求上帝:「上主─我的上帝啊,求你看顧我,求你應答我;求你恢復我的氣力,使我免於死亡。」
 如果我們真的想尋求上帝的幫助,祂會聽我們的禱告。祂也許不會立刻回應我們,但是上帝會按著祂所定的時刻,回應我們的禱告。我們要讚美上帝,因為祂總是知道什麼是對我們最好的。 —DJH*
「上主啊,我信靠你;你是我的上帝。我終身的事在你手中……求你用慈愛待你的僕人,求你救我。」 詩篇31:14-16

Trust God
Bible Reading: Psalm 13:1-6
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trust God  In our Bible Reading today, the writer is depressed and discouraged. He thinks God has forgotten him. Finally, the writer pleads with God in verse 3. “Lord my God, look at me! Answer my question! Let me know the answer or I will die!”
 Although the psalm writer is depressed, he still trusts God. In verses 5-6 he said, “Lord, I trusted in your love to help me. You saved me and made me happy! I sing a happy song to the Lord because he did good things for me.”
 Perhaps you think that God has forgotten you because He does not seem to answer your prayers. Sometimes God wants us to wait for our answers. We need to be patient and continue to trust Him.
 If we truly ask for God’s help, He will hear us. Our answer may not come right away, but God will answer our prayers in His time. Then we will praise God, because He always knows what is best for us. —DJH*
“Lord, I trust you. You are my God. My life is in your hands...be kind to me and save me!” Psalm 31:14-16
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to always love and trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月30日 星期二
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不需預約  也許你曾經生病而需要去看醫生,也許你曾經需要人幫你管理財務,也許你曾經有情緒問題,那時候你怎麼辦?你可能預約掛號看醫生,或者跟理財顧問或心理師約時間見面,然後你得等好幾天或幾個星期才能見到他們。等待約會可能是一件令人洩氣的事情。
 今天,上帝就要與你同在,你不需要預約,也不需要等待,上帝永遠有空。 —CW*

No Appointment
Bible Reading: Psalm 16:1-11
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No Appointment  Maybe you were sick and needed to see a doctor. Or maybe you needed help managing your finances. Or maybe you had an emotional problem. What did you do? Probably you made an appointment to see a doctor or a counselor. Then you had to wait a few days or weeks before you could talk with them. It can be frustrating to wait for an appointment.
 Verses 7 and 8 of our Bible Reading are very comforting. “I praise the Lord because he taught me well. Even at night, he put his instructions deep inside my mind. I keep the Lord before me always. And I will never leave his right side.” We don’t have to make an appointment to be with God. He is always ready to pay attention to us! Psalm 121:3 says, “God will not let you fall. Your Protector will not fall asleep.” God is always awake. We don’t need to worry that God is asleep or too busy to listen to us.
 God will be with you today. You don’t need to wait for an appointment. God is always available. —CW*
“You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you, Lord, will bring complete happiness. Being at your right side will bring happiness forever.”
Psalm 16:11
PRAYER: God, thank You for always being with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月29日 星期一
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責備  有時候,我的生活一團糟。我可以責怪工作,責怪不忠的朋友,責怪學校裡討厭的老師,也可以責怪家人或教會,但是,通常問題出在我自己,我應該要責備自己。
 也許今天你正面臨一些問題,其中有些問題可能是別人造成的,而有些問題是因為你做了錯誤的決定而引起的。你要責備自己,並且祈求上帝原諒你,然後你要敬拜上帝,並且感謝祂的慈愛與寬恕。 —SH*



Bible Reading: Psalm 80:1-19
Monday, October 29, 2012

Blame  Sometimes things go wrong in my life. I can blame my job, my unfaithful friends, the terrible teachers I had in school, my family or the church. But often I need to accept the blame for my problems.
 Psalm 80 is about God’s people, the Israelites. God punished them for their unfaithfulness and sin. The writer of this psalm could have blamed other people for the sin of Israel. But instead, he realized that Israel was to blame, and he asked God to forgive them. “He will not leave you again. Let him live, and he will worship your name. Lord God All-Powerful, come back to us. Accept us. Save us” (verses 18-19).
 You may face problems today. Some of your problems will probably be caused by other people. But some problems will happen because of bad choices you have made. Accept the blame and ask God to forgive you. Then worship Him and thank Him for His love and forgiveness. —SH*

“Lord, I am hurt and lonely. Turn to me and show me mercy. Free me from my troubles. Help me solve my problems. Lord, look at my trials and troubles. Forgive me for all the sins I have done.” Psalm 25:16-18

PRAYER: Father, sometimes I make mistakes. Forgive me and help me stay close to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月28日 星期日
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年長者  我們一出生,就開始變老了,這是上帝為我們在世上安排的計畫。當年紀越來越大,我們的肉體會逐漸老化而且變得虛弱,但是上帝仍然在我們的生命中有祂的計畫。



Bible Reading: Psalm 92:1-15
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Old  As soon as we are born, we start to age. That is God’s plan for us here on earth. As we get older, our bodies start to become frail and weak. But God still has a plan for our lives.
 Verses 12 and 13 talk about cedar trees. Verse 12a says, “Good people are like cedar trees of Lebanon planted in the Lord’s temple.” Verse 14 continues to talk about these cedar trees, “Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees.” These verses tell us that even when we are old, we can still be useful for God’s kingdom.
 How can older people be useful for God? They can comfort people and show kindness (Romans 12:8), listen to people who are hurting (James 1:19), pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and tell others about Jesus (Mark 16:15).
 Whether you are young or old, God can use you to serve Him. Look for ways to help other people and serve God. —DJH*

“Now I am old and my hair is gray. But I know that you won’t leave me, God. I will tell each new generation about your power and greatness.” Psalm 71:18

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for everything You have done for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月27日 星期六
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世世代代  我花了5個小時開車到女兒家,想要在她25歲生日那天給她一個驚喜。我在她回家前抵達,所以我有時間掛上慶生的布條,並且在桌上放一些花。
 詩篇第102篇談到要教導後代關於上帝的事,第18節說:「要為後代把上主的作為記錄下來,讓那些未出生的人曉得頌讚他。」你一定要教導孩子和孫子有關上帝的事,以及上帝為他們生命所準備的計劃。 —CC



Bible Reading: Psalm 102:1-28
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Generations  I drove five hours to my daughter’s house to surprise her for her twenty-fifth birthday. I arrived before she came home, so I had time to hang a birthday banner and put some flowers on the table.
 As I was straightening the pillows on the couch, I noticed a piece of paper taped to my daughter’s bookshelf. On it was written, “Don’t worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need. And when you pray, always give thanks” (Philippians 4:6). I smiled as I read the verse. That was the verse I repeated when I was baptized. I was happy to know that my daughter was depending on God to help her every day.
 Psalm 102 talks about teaching future generations about God. “Write these things for the future generation. And in the future, those people will praise the Lord” (verse 18). Be sure that you teach your children and grandchildren about God and His plan for their lives. —CC

“We are your servants today. Our children will live here. And even their descendants will be here to worship you.” Psalm 102:28

PRAYER: God, thank You for being faithful to Your children. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月26日 星期五
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平安  幾年前,我聽說一位高中時代的朋友成了基督徒,我很驚訝,因為在高中時,她並不相信上帝。當我們見面時,我問她怎麼回事?她回答:「成為基督徒以後,我心中終於有了平安。」這位朋友現在是一名宣教士,她在亞洲宣教。
 今天,世界上很多人在尋求平安,我們需要幫助他們把生命交託給上帝,然後,他們也會得著上帝奇妙的平安。 —AS



Bible Reading: Psalm 29:1-11
Friday, October 26, 2012

Peace  Several years ago, I learned that a high school friend had become a Christian. I was surprised, because when we were in high school, she did not believe in God. When I saw my friend, I asked what had happened. She answered, “After I became a Christian, I finally had peace in my heart.” My friend is now a missionary in Asia.
 Sometimes people think that they have peace if there are no wars or big problems in their lives. But true peace happens when we know that we are God’s children. We can only have true peace when we confess our sins and are reconciled with God.
 Our psalm today praises God for His great power and authority. The last verse says, “May the Lord protect His people. May the Lord bless his people with peace.” God gave us peace when He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.
 Many people in the world today are looking for peace. We need to help them give their lives to God. Then they, too, will have God’s wonderful peace. —AS

“I go to bed and sleep in peace. Why? Because, Lord, you lay me down to sleep in safety.” Psalm 4:8

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for the peace You give us every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月25日 星期四
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與上帝隔絕  今天的詩篇談到一個人向上帝禱告、祈求幫助。這個人心情很糟糕,在第5節,他說:「我被丟棄在死人當中,好像被宰殺的人躺在墳墓裏;我成為你完全遺忘了的人,再也得不到你的扶助。」
 今天,你是否感到寂寞、沮喪呢?耶穌了解你!你要禱告並且祈求上帝幫助你,讓你感受到祂的慈愛與寬恕,然後相信祂會照顧你。 —SH*



Separated from God
Bible Reading: Psalm 88:1-18
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Separated from God  Our psalm today talks about someone who is praying to God for help. He feels so bad that he said in verse 5, “Look for me among the dead people. I am like a dead body lying in the grave, one of the dead people you forgot, cut off from you and your care.”
 This person was depressed and felt that he was separated from God. That is probably how Jesus felt when He was on the cross. Jesus was surrounded by His enemies and accusers. As He accepted our sins, Jesus felt separated from God.
 Sometimes we feel depressed, and we think no one understands how we feel. But Jesus knows how we feel. People hurt Him. He was even rejected by some of His followers. And finally, Jesus was crucified on a cross.
 Are you feeling lonely and depressed today? Jesus understands. Pray and ask God to help you feel His love and forgiveness. Then trust Him to take care of you. —SH*

“God makes us happy. We truly trust his holy name. Lord, we truly worship you! So show your great love for us.” Psalm 33:21-22

PRAYER: God, I am glad that Jesus understands how I feel. Please show me Your love today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月24日 星期三
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在曠野中  想像你身處在曠野之中,那是一個非常乾燥的地方。你口渴,卻沒有水喝;肚子餓,卻沒有東西吃,待在那個地方,真是很困難。



In the Desert
Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-11
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In the Desert  Imagine you are in a desert. It is very dry. You are thirsty, but there is no water. You are hungry, but there is no food. That would be a difficult place to be.
 David was in a desert when he wrote Psalm 63. It was not an easy place for him to be. But even though David was thirsty and hungry, he continued to see and praise God. In verses 3-4 David said, “Your love is better than life. My lips praise you. Yes, I will praise you in my life. In your name, I lift my arms in prayer.” That is amazing!
 What about you? Maybe you are in a “desert” in your life right now. Things may be hard. You may be facing some challenges. You may be upset or depressed. What should you do?
 You should be like David. Thirst and hunger for God and His Word. Seek God. Praise Him. Lift up your hands in prayer. Remember God while you are lying on your bed. Think about Him during the night. Trust God to help you get through the “deserts” in your life. —CPE*

“ I will be satisfied as if I had eaten the best foods. And with joyful lips my mouth will praise you.” Psalm 63:5

PRAYER: Dear God, I thirst and hunger for You. Thank You for always being with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月23日 星期二

等候上帝  有一次我在公路上開車,時速55英哩,突然間,有一輛很慢的車擋在前面。但是沿路有許多「不可超車」的警告標示,我知道,我不能超過這輛車。
 或許今天你對上帝也會失去耐心,要記住經文閱讀的第5節,它說:「我安靜等候上帝;祂是我惟一的希望。」上帝要引導你、幫助你,並且要回應你的禱告──按著祂的時間! —NM

「要信靠上主!要堅強壯膽!要信靠上主!」 詩篇27:14


Waiting for God
Bible Reading: Psalm 62:5-8
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Waiting for God  I was driving along the highway, going 55 miles per hour. Suddenly I was behind a very slow-moving car. That stretch of highway had several “No Passing” signs, so I knew I couldn’t pass the car.
 I continued driving 30 miles per hour, impatiently wondering why the driver was so slow. Then I noticed the handicapped driver symbol on the license plate. I understood why the car was not going the speed limit. I felt terrible for being so impatient.
 Often I become impatient with God. I wonder why He is slow to answer my prayers or solve my problems. I need to remember that I should be patient and let God take care of me in His perfect time.
 Maybe you will become impatient with God today. Remember verse 5 of our Bible Reading. “My soul, wait patiently for God to save me! God is my only hope.” God will guide you, help you and answer your prayers — in His time! —NM

“Wait for the Lord’s help! Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help!” Psalm 27:14

PRAYER: Loving God, thank You for helping me to be more patient and to wait for You to lead me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月22日 星期一

不要怕...要倚靠!  有些人認為,成為基督徒後,就不會有壞事發生在他們身上。或者,他們相信上帝會賜給他們健康和財富,但是我們知道,有時候壞事也會發生在好人身上。

「我倚靠上帝,必不懼怕。人能把我怎麼樣呢?」 詩篇56:11


Don’t Fear...Trust!
Bible Reading: Psalm 56:1-13
Monday, October 22, 2012

Don’t Fear...Trust!  Some people think when they become a Christian, nothing bad will ever happen to them. Or they believe that God will bless them with good health and wealth. But we know that sometimes bad things happen to good people.
 David had many bad things happen to him. His enemies — King Saul, other nations and even his own sons — were constantly trying to kill him. David wrote Psalm 56 after the Philistines attacked him. These verses are David’s prayer to God for help.
 David’s enemies wanted to kill him. Also, David said that they “are always twisting my words. They are always making plans against me” (verse 5). These people wanted to destroy David’s reputation as well as kill him.
 Most of us today do not have enemies that are trying to kill us. But sometimes people make fun of us and try to ruin our reputation. We should be like David and not be afraid. We can trust God in every situation. —JKS

“I trust God, so I am not afraid of what people can do to me!” Psalm 56:11

PRAYER: God, I thank you for Your promise to always take care of me. Help me to remember to trust You when bad things happen to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月21日 星期日

憐憫  那是一個很忙碌的下午。我的女兒原本應該要讀書、準備功課,而我卻發現她跑去玩,於是,我對她生氣。
 今天,上帝己經預備好要赦免你,你要求祂讓你看見祂的愛和憐憫。 —CC



Bible Reading: Psalm 86:1-17
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Merciful  It was a very busy afternoon. My daughter was supposed to be studying. But I found her playing games instead. I was upset with my daughter.
 Later, I was washing dishes. My daughter came to me and said, “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” But I ignored my daughter and continued washing dishes. She asked again, “Mom, will you forgive me?” I was being stubborn, and I was enjoying being upset.
 God isn’t like that! He is always ready to forgive us when we ask for His forgiveness. Verse 5a of our Bible Reading says, “Master [God], you are good and merciful.” God is truly merciful. He wants to forgive us and have a right relationship with us.
 Finally, I gave my daughter a hug and told her that I forgave her. She helped me finish the dishes. I was happy that our relationship was good again.
 God is ready to forgive you today. Ask Him to show you His love and mercy. —CC

“Master, you are a kind and merciful God. You are patient, loyal, and full of love.” Psalm 86:15

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank You for being quick to forgive. Thank You for showing me Your mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月20日 星期六

倚靠上帝  一般人感到悲傷或沮喪的時候,他們會怎麼做?有些人會退縮,會感到寂寞和憂鬱,也不想和任何人說話。傷心的時候,有些人甚至會吃毒品或是酗酒,但這都不能治療悲傷和沮喪。
 大衛給了我們很清楚的教導,我們應該以他為榜樣。下次你再感到悲傷或沮喪的時候,要記得這詩篇,並且記得向上帝尋求協助;當你倚靠上帝時,就有力量來讚美祂。你要記住,祂是上帝,是那位要拯救你的上帝。 —CPE*

「上帝啊,我渴慕你,像鹿渴慕清涼的溪水。永生的上帝啊,我渴望你;我幾時可以到你面前朝拜呢?」 詩篇42:1-2


Rely on God
Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-11
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rely on God  What do some people do when they are sad or upset? Some people withdraw. They become lonely and depressed. They don’t feel like talking with anyone. Some may take drugs or drink alcohol when they are sad. But these are not cures for sadness or depression.
 When you are sad or upset, what should you do? The writer of Psalm 42 tells us what to do. In fact, the writer tells us, not just once but TWO times, what to do. In verses 5-6 and again in verse 11, the writer says, “I should wait for God’s help! I will get the chance to praise him yet. He will save me! ”
 David gives us very clear teaching. We should follow his example. The next time you are sad or upset, remember this psalm. Remember to go to God for help. As you rely on God, you will be able to praise Him. Keep in your mind and heart that He is God, the One who will save you. —CPE*

“A deer gets thirsty for water from a stream. In the same way, my soul is thirsty for you, God. My soul is thirsty for the Living God. When can I go to meet with him?” Psalm 42:1-2

PRAYER: Dear God, I praise You and honor Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年10月19日 星期五

謙卑  我有一位朋友,她的心智發展比較遲緩,隨時需要有人照顧,於是,有幾位姐妹輪流看顧她。每個禮拜天,我在教會都會看見這位朋友,她會擁抱每一個來參加主日崇拜的人。

「狂傲使人敗落;謙虛受人敬重。」 箴言29:23


Bible Reading: Psalm 131:1-3
Friday, October 19, 2012

Humility  I have a friend who is mentally challenged. She needs someone to take care of her all the time. Several ladies take turns caring for her. I see my friend in church each Sunday. She gives hugs to every worshiper.
 Verses 1 and 2 of our Bible Reading remind me of my humble friend. “I am not proud. I don’t try to act important. I don’t try to do great things. I don’t worry about things that are too hard for me. I am calm. My soul is quiet.” My friend is child-like. She trusts the people who take care of her “like a satisfied baby in his mother’s arms” (verse 3). She accepts and respects all people.
 I want to be like my friend. I want to be humble. I want to not worry about what other people think about me. I want to enjoy life. And I want to have a calm and quiet soul.
 Ask God to help you be humble and calm as you serve Him today.—ES

“If a person thinks he is better than other people, then that will destroy him. But if a person is humble, then other people will respect him.” Proverbs 29:23

PRAYER: Father, please give me a calm, quiet spirit to enjoy life. And help me to be humble. In Jesus’ name. Amen.