
on 2012年10月12日 星期五

詩篇119(6)  當我的孩子還小的時候,我們會一起玩拼圖。我們會花好幾個小時來完成一幅拼圖,但有時候,有人會撞到桌子,然後拼圖就散掉了。拼圖真是脆弱──它們很容易就會散掉。
 今天,你就要倚靠上帝! —PD



Psalm 119 (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 89-96
Friday, October 12, 2012

Psalm 119 (6)  When my children were young, we put together jigsaw puzzles. We would work for hours on one puzzle. But sometimes, one of us would bump the table and the puzzle would fall apart. Jigsaw puzzles are fragile — they can fall apart easily.
 God made the entire universe. It is not fragile like a jigsaw puzzle. Verse 90b of our Bible Reading says, “Lord, you made the earth, and it still stands.” Things happen over and over in the universe, but often we take these things for granted. Every day the sun rises and sets. Tides go up and down. Rivers flow and the mountains stand tall. God is in control of the universe, and it keeps on working.
 The universe stands strong. It is not fragile. But sometimes my life is fragile. I get sick or depressed. People make fun of me. I face financial troubles. Then I need to depend on God. Why? Because I know that He is in control of everything.
 Depend on God today! —PD

“Lord, your word continues forever. Your word continues forever in heaven. You are loyal forever and ever.” Psalm 119:89-90a

PRAYER: Father, I know that You are in control of the world. Thank You for showing me Your love and power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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