
on 2012年10月28日 星期日
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年長者  我們一出生,就開始變老了,這是上帝為我們在世上安排的計畫。當年紀越來越大,我們的肉體會逐漸老化而且變得虛弱,但是上帝仍然在我們的生命中有祂的計畫。



Bible Reading: Psalm 92:1-15
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Old  As soon as we are born, we start to age. That is God’s plan for us here on earth. As we get older, our bodies start to become frail and weak. But God still has a plan for our lives.
 Verses 12 and 13 talk about cedar trees. Verse 12a says, “Good people are like cedar trees of Lebanon planted in the Lord’s temple.” Verse 14 continues to talk about these cedar trees, “Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees.” These verses tell us that even when we are old, we can still be useful for God’s kingdom.
 How can older people be useful for God? They can comfort people and show kindness (Romans 12:8), listen to people who are hurting (James 1:19), pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and tell others about Jesus (Mark 16:15).
 Whether you are young or old, God can use you to serve Him. Look for ways to help other people and serve God. —DJH*

“Now I am old and my hair is gray. But I know that you won’t leave me, God. I will tell each new generation about your power and greatness.” Psalm 71:18

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for everything You have done for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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