
on 2015年3月31日 星期二
聖經閱讀:路加福音23:32-38 現代中譯本|合和本

饒恕  不久之後,全世界的基督徒就要慶祝耶穌死而復活的日子。接下來的幾天,我們要來談耶穌的死和祂的復活。
 上帝也想要饒恕你,今天就求祂赦免你。 —DK
「你們若饒恕別人的過錯,你們的天父也會饒恕你們。」 馬太福音6:14

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Bible Reading: Luke 23:32-38
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Forgiveness  Soon Christians around the world will celebrate the day that Jesus arose from the dead. For the next few days we will talk about Jesus’ death and His resurrection.
 Imagine that you have a son. He is your only child. You love him so much. This son never does anything wrong. He grows up to be a humble, honest, kind, helpful, wonderful man. Now imagine that people tease your son. They bring your son before a judge. The judge says that your son must die.
 Imagine that you watch all this happen. Your heart is breaking. Then, when the people start to kill your son, he says to you, “These people don’t understand what they are doing. Please forgive them.”
 Wow! It would be very hard to forgive those people. But God, Who is Jesus’ Father, forgave the people who killed Jesus.
 God wants to forgive you, too. Ask Him to forgive you today. —DK
“Yes, if you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, then your Father in heaven will also forgive your wrongs.” Matthew 6:14
PRAYER: Dear God, You are more wonderful than I can understand. Thank You for Your forgiveness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年3月30日 星期一
聖經閱讀:羅馬書5:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

成長  蘇是我認識的一位年長的女士,她的手有一些問題。她去開了刀,然後她的手就麻痺了。蘇寫一封信跟我分享她的挫折,信中有一句話這麼寫:「我成長的所有困難……。」
 懇求上帝在你面臨困難時幫助你在基督徒的生活中成長,祂會永遠與你同在! —NM
「我們遭遇各樣的困難,卻沒有被壓碎;常有疑慮,卻未嘗絶望。」 哥林多後書4:8

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Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-5
Monday, March 30, 2015

Growing  Sue, an older woman I knew, was having problems with her hands. She had surgery and then had numbness in her hands. Sue wrote me a letter and shared her frustrations. Part of one sentence of her letter read, “...all of the problems I am growing through.”
 Sue wrote “growing,” but she meant to write “going.” That mistake made me think about our Bible Reading for today. These verses talk about growing in Christ.
 When we face troubles in life, we have two choices. We can complain, or we can use those troubles to make us stronger Christians. Paul said that we should be happy when we face troubles. Why? “Because we know that these troubles make us more patient. And this patience is proof that we are strong. And this proof gives us hope” (verses 3b-4a).
 Ask God to help you grow in your Christian life as you face troubles. He will always be with you! —NM
“We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give up.” 2 Corinthians 4:8
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to face my troubles and grow closer to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年3月29日 星期日
聖經閱讀:馬太福音14:13-21 現代中譯本|合和本

但是,上帝…!  有時候我們喜歡找藉口。在我小時候,我和我的三個姐妹都必須在晚餐後洗碗,但我們並不喜歡這份工作。我的妹妹會儘可能拖延洗碗,當媽媽提醒她時,妹妹常常會報怨說:「但是,媽……!」
 也許今天上帝會交給你一項任務,請不要找藉口說:「但是,上帝……!」就信靠祂來幫助你完成任務。 —PD
「大家都吃了,而且都吃飽了。門徒把剩下的碎屑收拾起來,裝滿了十二個籃子。」 馬太福音14:20

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But, God...!
Bible Reading: Matthew 14:13-21
Sunday, March 29, 2015

But, God...!  Sometimes we like to make excuses. When I was growing up, my three sisters and I had to do the dishes after supper. We did not like doing this. My younger sister would put off doing the dishes as long as she could. When Mom reminded her to do the dishes, my sister often complained, “But, Mom...!”
 In our Bible Reading, Jesus was teaching a large group of people. The people became hungry. Jesus told His disciples to find food for the people to eat. The disciples searched for food and answered Jesus, “But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish” (verse 17b).
 Jesus’ disciples saw the large crowd, and they forgot about God’s great power. Jesus blessed that small amount of food, and all the people were fed. All the disciples needed to do was trust Jesus.
 Maybe God will give you a job to do today. Don’t make excuses and say, “But, God...!” Trust Him to help you get the job done. —PD
“Everyone ate until they were full. When they finished eating, the followers filled twelve baskets with the pieces of food that were not eaten.” Matthew 14:20
PRAYER: Dear God, I trust You to help me work for You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年3月28日 星期六
聖經閱讀:路加福音23:1-25 現代中譯本|合和本

無罪  看電視新聞的時候,有些事真的讓我生氣,就是在看到有人被不實控告做了錯事時。
 耶穌願意為你死,而你願意為祂活嗎? —ECW
「彼拉多…又把耶穌交給他們,任憑他們處置。」 路加福音23:25b

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Not Guilty
Bible Reading: Luke 23:1-25
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Not Guilty  When I watch the news on TV, there is something that really bothers me. That’s when I see that someone has been falsely accused of doing something wrong.
 When a person is falsely accused, it is a bad situation. Finally a judge and jury may realize that the person is innocent. But that person’s life may already be ruined. They have to live the rest of their life knowing that they were accused of doing something wrong.
 Our Bible verses today talk about Jesus’ trials before Pilate and Herod. People told lies about Jesus and made fun of Him. Jesus was not guilty, but in the end, He was sentenced to be crucified.
 How could God allow these terrible things to happen to Jesus? This was all part of God’s plan. It was the only way that our sins could be forgiven. And Jesus willingly was falsely accused and killed on a cross — for you and me!
 Jesus was willing to die for you. Are you willing to live for Him? —ECW
“Pilate...handed Jesus over to be killed. That is what the people wanted.” Luke 23:25b
PRAYER: God, thank You that Jesus was willing to die for me. In His name. Amen.

感恩 (4)

on 2015年3月27日 星期五
感恩 (4)
聖經閱讀:腓立比書4:4-7 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩 (4)  我知道在生命中的任何情況我都應該心存感謝,但是最近我有很多痛苦,讓我難以入睡。
 不論你今天面對多麼糟糕的情況,你仍然可以感謝上帝幫助你度過這些困難的時刻。今天就告訴祂你有多麼的感謝! -DF
「要常常喜樂,常常禱告,在任何環境中都要感謝。這是上帝為你們這些屬於基督耶穌的人所定的旨意。」 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:16-18

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Thankfulness (4)
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Friday, March 27, 2015

Thankfulness (4)  I know that I should be thankful in every situation of my life. But lately I have had a lot of pain, and it has been hard to sleep.
 I have been thinking about Corrie Ten Boom, who was in a Nazi concentration camp. She didn’t have a warm bed like I have. Corrie was forced to work hard even when she was sick. Often she didn’t have enough to eat. And she was not able to read and study her Bible like I can. Even with all these bad things happening to her, Corrie was thankful.
 Paul’s words in our Bible Reading today remind me that I should always give thanks to God. I may not be thankful for my pain, but I can be thankful even when I am in pain. When I am thankful, God’s peace fills me and helps me rejoice.
 No matter what bad circumstances you are facing today, you can still be thankful that God helps you through those bad times. Tell Him today how thankful you are! —DF
“Always be full of joy. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
PRAYER: Father, thank You for always being with me and giving me Your peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

感恩 (3)

on 2015年3月26日 星期四
感恩 (3)
聖經閱讀:路加福音1:46-55 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩 (3)  今天的經文是馬利亞在知道她將成為上帝兒子的母親後所發出的讚美。我們不知道她對上帝的這些話是用說的、還是用唱的,但這些話是我們的一個重要學習榜樣。
 今天你可以藉著感謝上帝赦免你的罪並希望你永遠與祂同住來讚美祂。 -DF
「但是,你們是蒙揀選的種族……上帝選召你們離開黑暗,進入他輝煌的光明,來宣揚他奇妙的作為。」 彼得前書2:9

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Thankfulness (3)
Bible Reading: Luke 1:46-55
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thankfulness (3)  Our Bible verses today are Mary’s praises after she learned that she would be the mother of God’s Son. We do not know if she spoke these words or sang them to God, but they are an important example for us.
 God chose Mary to be the mother of His Son. And He chose many other people through the years to do His work. In 1 Thessalonians 1:4b Paul told the Christians in Thessalonica, “God loves you. And we know that he has chosen you to be his people.”
 God has chosen us to be His children, and He has given us the important job of telling other people about Jesus. When I think about that, I want to join Mary in saying, “Yes, the Powerful One has done great things for me. His name is very holy” (verse 49).
 You can praise God today by being thankful that He forgives your sins and wants you to live with Him forever. —DF
“But you are his chosen people...He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done. He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for choosing me and saving me. I love You so much! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

感恩 (2)

on 2015年3月25日 星期三
感恩 (2)
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:89-112 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩 (2)  美國人備受祝福能擁有聖經、閱讀聖經。在今天閱讀的經文中,作者對上帝的話語心存感恩:「我永不離棄你的誡律,因為你用它們來使我存活」(第93節)。
 今天就為上帝的話語獻上感謝,然後一定要去向其他人分享祂的信息! -DF
「我多麼愛慕你的法律!我整天不斷地思想它。你的命令時常在我心裏,使我比仇敵更明智。你的話是導引我的燈,是我人生路上的光。」 詩篇119:97-98,105
禱告:親愛的上帝, 我好高興可以研讀祢的話語。奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Thankfulness (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:89-112
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thankfulness (2)  Americans are very blessed to be able to own and read a Bible. In our Bible Reading today, the writer is so thankful for God’s Word. “I will never forget your commands, because through them you gave me new life” (verse 93).
 Let’s look at some reasons why the writer of this Psalm loved God’s Word. God’s Word continues forever (verse 89), it gives life (verse 93), it gives wisdom (verse 98), and it teaches (verse 99). God’s Word also keeps us from evil (verse 101), guides us (verse 105) and gives us joy (verse 111).
 God’s Word is very powerful! Hebrews 4:12a tells us that “God’s word is alive and working.” And His Word is a powerful weapon we can use to defend ourselves against the devil’s attacks (Ephesians 6:17).
 Be thankful today for God’s Word. Then be sure to share His message with other people! —DF
“Oh, how I love your teachings! I talk about them all the time. Your commands are always with me, and they make me wiser than my enemies. Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.” Psalm 119:97,105
PRAYER: Dear God, I am so happy that I can read and study Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

感恩 (1)

on 2015年3月24日 星期二
感恩 (1)
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書2:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩 (1)  我的朋友跟一個從印度來的人聊天,她問他:「美國跟印度有什麼不一樣的地方?」他回答說:「印度人擁有的東西不多,但是他們對所擁有的心存感恩;而美國人擁有很多,但是他們不知感恩。」
 但最重要的是,別忘了感謝上帝透過耶穌賜下祂的救贖恩典。 -DF
「既然你們接受基督耶穌為主,你們的行為必須以他為中心。你們也要充滿著感謝的心。」 歌羅西書2:6-7b

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Thankfulness (1)
Bible Reading: Colossians 2:1-7
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thankfulness (1)  My friend talked with a man from India. She asked him, “What is the difference between America and India?” The man answered, “People in India have very few things, but they are thankful for what they have. Americans have so much, but they are not thankful.”
 For the next few days we will look at some things that we should be thankful for. In today’s Bible verses we see that being thankful is an important part of following and loving God.
 Today I want you to think about the people who influenced you to become a Christian. Maybe these people were your parents, teachers, pastors or friends. As you think about these people, thank God for them, and ask God to bless them. Maybe you can call one of these people or send them a note of thanks.
 But most important, don’t forget to thank God for His gift of salvation through Jesus! —DF
“You accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, so continue to live following him. And never stop giving thanks to God.” Colossians 2:6,7b
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for all the people who taught me how to follow You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年3月23日 星期一
聖經閱讀:約翰福音15:12-15 現代中譯本|合和本

朋友  好朋友是很重要的。我有一個認識多年的朋友,每次打電話給她時,她總是很快樂。我們會彼此代禱,也分享喜樂和困難。
 耶穌也是我們的朋友,祂願意為了我們的罪死在十字架、接受刑罰。這才是真實的友誼! —TS
「正如父親愛我,我愛你們;你們要常生活在我的愛中。你們若遵守我的命令,你們會常生活在我的愛中,正像我遵守我父親的命令,而常在他的愛中一樣。」 約翰福音15:9-10

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Bible Reading: John 15:12-15
Monday, March 23, 201

Friends  Good friends are very important. I have a friend who has been in my life for many years. She is always happy when I call her. We pray for each other and share our joys and troubles.
 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a tells us why it is good to have a friend. “Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done. If one person falls, the other person can reach out to help.”
 In our Bible Reading today, Jesus talked about friends. He told His disciples, “The greatest love people can show is to die for their friends” (verse 13). Jesus told His disciples that He was their friend. “But now I call you friends, because I have told you everything that my Father told me” (verse 15b).
 Jesus is our friend, too. He was willing to die on the cross and accept the punishment for our sins. That is true friendship! —TS
“I have loved you as the Father has loved me. Now continue in my love. I have obeyed my Father’s commands, and he continues to love me. In the same way, if you obey my commands, I will continue to love you.” John 15:9-10
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for my friend, Jesus. In His name. Amen.

花 (5)

on 2015年3月22日 星期日
花 (5)
聖經閱讀:馬太福音28:18-20 現代中譯本|合和本

花 (5)  我要談的最後一種花是蒲公英。也許你會認為蒲公英是雜草,但它們卻是上帝所設計的花。
 耶穌在今天的經文中賜給我們一個命令:我們應該向遇見的每一個人分享耶穌的福音;不管去哪裡,我們應該像蒲公英一樣散播耶穌福音的「種子」。今天你願學像蒲公英嗎? -JK

「所以,你們要去,使萬國萬民都作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。」 馬太福音28:19

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Flowers (5)
Bible Reading: Matthew 28:18-20
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Flowers (5)  The last flower I want to talk about is a dandelion. Maybe you think that dandelions are weeds, but they are flowers designed by God.
 Dandelions seem to grow everywhere in the spring here in Iowa. One day there are no dandelions in the yard. The next day the grass is covered with them. I love to remember the times when my children would pick dandelions in our yard and bring them to me. “Here, Mommy! We picked a flower for you.”
 But the beauty of dandelions soon is gone. The yellow petals fall off and leave a puffy white ball. This ball is made up of seeds that will produce new dandelions. These seeds easily blow in the wind and are scattered far away to start new plants.
 Jesus gave us a command in our Bible verses today. We should share the Good News about Jesus with everyone we meet. We should be like the dandelion and spread “seeds” about Jesus wherever we go. Will you be like a dandelion today? —JK

“So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
PRAYER: God, as I go throughout this day, I want to tell people about You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.