聖幕 (10)

on 2015年3月7日 星期六
聖幕 (10)
聖經閱讀:希伯來書9:23-28 現代中譯本|合和本

聖幕 (10)  過去的九天,我們談了上帝命令摩西和以色列民建造的聖幕。這個聖幕對以色列人非常重要,為什麼呢?因為這是上帝居住、以及他們的罪得赦免的地方。
「倚靠他,你們也同被建造,成為上帝藉著聖靈居住的地方。」 以弗所書2:22

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Holy Tent (10)
Bible Reading: Hebrews 9:23-28
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Holy Tent (10)  For the past nine days we have talked about the Holy Tent which God commanded Moses and the Israelites to build. The Holy Tent was very important to the Israelites. Why? That was where God lived and where their sins were forgiven.
 Maybe you are wondering what all this means to Christians today. First, learning about the way God forgave the sins of the Israelites makes me remember that I don’t have to worry about sacrificing animals or having a high priest sprinkle blood on a box. When Jesus died and arose, all of the Jewish laws were put aside. Christians have a new way to come close to God — through Jesus.
 Second, I am happy that God does not live in a tent today. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “You should know that you yourselves are God’s temple. God’s Spirit lives in you.” Today God lives in people who follow and obey Jesus.
 Praise God today for His wonderful plan of salvation and that He lives within you! —JK
“And in Christ you are being built together with his other people. You are being made into a place where God lives through the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22
PRAYER: Father, I am glad that You live in me. I want my body to be a holy place where You live. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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