感恩 (2)

on 2015年3月25日 星期三
感恩 (2)
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:89-112 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩 (2)  美國人備受祝福能擁有聖經、閱讀聖經。在今天閱讀的經文中,作者對上帝的話語心存感恩:「我永不離棄你的誡律,因為你用它們來使我存活」(第93節)。
 今天就為上帝的話語獻上感謝,然後一定要去向其他人分享祂的信息! -DF
「我多麼愛慕你的法律!我整天不斷地思想它。你的命令時常在我心裏,使我比仇敵更明智。你的話是導引我的燈,是我人生路上的光。」 詩篇119:97-98,105
禱告:親愛的上帝, 我好高興可以研讀祢的話語。奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Thankfulness (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:89-112
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thankfulness (2)  Americans are very blessed to be able to own and read a Bible. In our Bible Reading today, the writer is so thankful for God’s Word. “I will never forget your commands, because through them you gave me new life” (verse 93).
 Let’s look at some reasons why the writer of this Psalm loved God’s Word. God’s Word continues forever (verse 89), it gives life (verse 93), it gives wisdom (verse 98), and it teaches (verse 99). God’s Word also keeps us from evil (verse 101), guides us (verse 105) and gives us joy (verse 111).
 God’s Word is very powerful! Hebrews 4:12a tells us that “God’s word is alive and working.” And His Word is a powerful weapon we can use to defend ourselves against the devil’s attacks (Ephesians 6:17).
 Be thankful today for God’s Word. Then be sure to share His message with other people! —DF
“Oh, how I love your teachings! I talk about them all the time. Your commands are always with me, and they make me wiser than my enemies. Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.” Psalm 119:97,105
PRAYER: Dear God, I am so happy that I can read and study Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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