聖幕 (7)

on 2015年3月4日 星期三
聖幕 (7)
聖經閱讀:出埃及記30:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

聖幕 (7)  今天的經文閱讀跟我們談到聖所裡的最後一件擺設──燒香的壇,它也是用金合歡木(皂莢木)製作並用純金包裹。這個壇長寬都是四十五公分,高九十公分,它被放置在分隔聖所跟至聖所的帳幔外。
 今天一定要花時間跟上帝說話,謝謝祂為你所成就的一切。 —JK
「願我的禱告如燒香的煙上升到你面前;願我高舉的雙手成為晚祭。」 詩篇141:2

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Holy Tent (7)
Bible Reading: Exodus 30:1-10
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Holy Tent (7)  Our Bible Reading today tells us about the last piece of furniture in the Holy Place — the altar of incense. This was also made from acacia wood and covered with gold. The altar was 1.5 feet long and wide and 3 feet high. It was set outside the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.
 The priests had to keep incense burning constantly on the altar. This incense was a special sweet mixture. Nothing else could be burned on this altar. When this special incense burned, its sweet-smelling smoke was pleasing to God.
 In Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-4, John tells us that burning incense represented the prayers of “God’s holy people.” God wants us to pray to him. He wants us to praise Him and tell Him our needs. Our prayers are pleasing to God.
 Be sure to take time to talk with God today. Thank Him for all He has done for you. —JK
“Accept my prayer like a gift of burning incense, the words I lift up like an evening sacrifice.” Psalm 141:2
PRAYER: Father, I love to talk to You. I want You to always be pleased with my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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