
on 2012年9月30日 星期日

交流 現今我們有很多方法可以互相交流:我們可以打電話給朋友,或者用視訊電話來交談;我們也可以寫信給所愛的人,或是寄電子郵件給他們。



Bible Reading: Psalm 26:1-12
Monday, September 30, 2012

Communication There are so many ways we can communicate today. We can call a friend on a telephone or video phone. We can write a letter to a loved one or send them an e-mail.
 God wants us to communicate with Him. We can do this through prayer. But another important way we can communicate with God is through our praise. Verse 7 of our Bible Reading says, “Lord, I sing songs of praise to you. I sing about the wonderful things you have done.” God is happy when we share our praises and thanks with Him.
 Luke 17:11-19 tells us about ten men that Jesus healed. But only one man thanked Jesus for what He had done. That man “praised God loudly” (verse 15b) and “bowed down at Jesus’ feet” (verse 16a).
 God wants you to communicate your praises to Him today. Be sure to thank Him for all He has done for you. —NW

“The Lord is my strength. He is my shield. I trusted him. And he helped me. I am very happy! And I sing songs of praise to him.” Psalm 28:7

PRAYER: God, I praise You and thank You for the many wonderful things You have done in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月29日 星期六

我的雙手 我們的雙手是身體非常重要的部分,我們可以用雙手做各樣的事情,例如控制方向盤、清洗碗盤,或是撒種。當然,全世界的人都用雙手來打手語。
 你會用雙手做什麼呢?也許是在電腦上打字,也許是蓋房子,也許是抱小孩。當你使用雙手來服事上帝的時候,你要祈求上帝祝福你。 —SAH

「上主啊…求祢憐恤祢的僕人。每日清晨,求祢使我們飽享祢的慈愛,使我們一生充滿歡欣喜樂。」 詩篇90:13-14



My Hands
Bible Reading: Psalm 90:12-17
Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Hands Our hands are a very important part of our bodies. Our hands help us do all kinds of things like holding a steering wheel, scrubbing dishes or planting seeds. And of course, people all over the world use their hands to communicate in sign language.
 I serve God as a sign language interpreter. I use my hands so deaf people can share in a worship experience. Before I interpret, I pray God will use my hands to communicate clearly and accurately. Every time I raise my hands to sign, I surrender them to God. I know that God will be kind and help me interpret well.
 Verse 17 of our Bible Reading says, “May the things we make with our hands establish us, and may He [God] establish the things we make with our hands.” This psalm was written by Moses. In this verse he asked God to bless the things that the Israelites did with their hands.
 What do you do with your hands? Maybe you type on a computer, build a house or hold a baby. Ask God to bless you as you use your hands to serve Him. —SAH

“Lord...be kind to your servants. Fill us with your love every morning. Let us be happy and enjoy our lives.” Psalm 90:13-14

PRAYER: God, bless the things I do today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月28日 星期五

靠主站立得穩 世界上有些人不相信耶穌也不跟隨祂。也許你認識一些這樣的人,他們做邪惡的事,讓事業成功,並且擁有一切想要的東西;他們很自豪,不用為生存奮鬥,他們似乎擁有輕鬆如意的人生。




Stand Firm in God
Bible Reading: Psalm 73:1-28
Friday, September 28, 2012

Stand Firm in God There are people in the world who do not believe and follow Jesus. Maybe you know some of these people. They are involved in doing evil things. They are successful and have everything they want. They are proud. They don’t struggle to survive. It seems they have an easy life.
 The writer of Psalm 73 certainly understood this. He saw wicked people who were successful. These people were healthy and didn’t have to struggle like he did. The writer admitted that he “almost slipped and began to sin” (verse 2).
 Like the writer of this psalm, we need to be careful. When we look at other people who do not follow God, we may be tempted to sin like they do. Don’t let that happen to you. The writer warns in verse 27, “God, people who leave you will be lost. You will destroy the people who are not faithful to you.”
 Stand firm in God and His word. Remain faithful to Him. —CPE*

“God, I have you in heaven. And when I am with you, what on earth can I want? Maybe my mind and body will be destroyed, but I have the Rock I love. I have God forever!” Psalm 73:25-26

PRAYER: Dear God, I want to remain faithful to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月27日 星期四

讓生命再次活躍起來! 以色列人是上帝特別揀選的子民,但是他們並不順服上帝,所以上帝就讓以色列人被帶到另外一個國家充當奴隸。

「願所有來到你面前的人都歡欣快樂!願所有愛慕你拯救的人不斷地說:上主多麼偉大!」 詩篇40:16



Make Us Live Again!
Bible Reading: Psalm 85:1-13
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Make Us Live Again! The Israelites were God’s special people. But they disobeyed God. So God allowed the Israelites to be carried away as slaves to another country.
 In our Bible Reading today, the writer asked God to help the Israelites. “Please, make us live again! Make your people happy. Lord, save us and show us that you love us” (verses 6-7). But the psalm writer didn’t want the Israelites to keep on sinning against God. He wanted the people to remember their past sins and not do them again. “So they must not go back to their foolish way of living” (verse 8b).
 When we sin, we lose our peace and joy. Once my son did something wrong, and he was sad. I told him, “Remember what this feels like so you won’t do this again.” We should learn from our mistakes so we won’t sin again.
 Maybe you are remembering a time that you sinned. Ask God to forgive you and let Him make you live again! —SH*

“But let those people that come to you be happy and rejoice. They love being saved by you. So let them always say, ‘Praise the Lord!’” Psalm 40:16

PRAYER: God, You are so awesome! I look forward to living with You forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月26日 星期三

上帝寬恕 我喜歡記住曾經發生在我身上的美好事情。有時候,我會使用剪貼簿來幫助我記得生活中發生的事情,我會將照片、文章和剪報貼在剪貼簿上。




God Forgives
Bible Reading: Psalm 38:1-22
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God Forgives I like to remember good things that happen to me. Sometimes I make a scrapbook to help me remember an event in my life. I paste pictures, articles and clippings in my scrapbook.
 In our Bible Reading today, David remembered something bad that happened to him. David did something wrong, and God punished him (verse 3). David was filled with guilt, and his guilt was like a terrible sickness.
 avid said that he was “guilty of doing bad things” (verse 4), that he “did a foolish thing” (verse 5) and that he was “sad about” his sins (verse 18).
 In this psalm, David admitted his sin and asked God to help him. That is what we should do. When we sin, we should tell God that we have done something wrong. Then we should ask God to forgive us. Finally, we should ask God to help us not do that wrong thing again.
 Confess your sins to God today. He will forgive and comfort you. —ECW

“Lord, don’t leave me! My God, stay close to me! Quickly come and help me! My God, save me!” Psalm 38:21-22

PRAYER: God, thank You for forgiving my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月25日 星期二

不要放棄! 有時候,我們會覺得沮喪並且想要放棄。也許你正在找工作,但就是找不到;也許你生病了,但是醫生卻找不出原因;也許你為某些人禱告,希望他們能信主,但是他們卻仍然拒絕耶穌。
 也許你今天正在面對困難,我希望你能像這詩篇的作者一樣信靠上帝。記得,上帝會永遠信守祂的應許,並且與你同在。 —GT




Don’t Give Up!
Bible Reading: Psalm 118:5-21
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don’t Give Up! Sometimes we become discouraged and feel like giving up. Maybe you are looking for a job, but you can’t find one. Or maybe you are sick and the doctors don’t know why. Or maybe you have prayed that someone will accept Jesus, and they continue to reject Him.
 God doesn’t want us to quit. He wants us to keep obeying, serving, helping, sharing and witnessing for Him. God never promised us that life would be easy. But He did promise that He would be with us and strengthen us.
 In our Bible Reading today, the writer faced many difficult times. But he didn’t quit. He knew that he couldn’t defeat his enemies alone, so he trusted God to help him. In verse 10 the writer said, “Many enemies surrounded me. But with the Lord’s power I defeated my enemies. Enemies surrounded me again and again. I defeated them with the Lord’s power.”
 Maybe you are facing problems today. I hope you will be like the writer of this psalm and trust God. Remember that God will always keep His promises and be with you. —GT

“The Lord is my strength and victory song! The Lord saves me!” Psalm 118:14

PRAYER: God, I want to always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月24日 星期一

浪費時間 如果你即將死去,什麼事情是你最後悔莫及的?你會希望花更多時間在工作上嗎?你會希望賺更多錢嗎?或者你希望能跟家人有更多的時間相處,或者希望能為上帝和其他人做更多事情?

「早起晚睡,為生活整天勞碌是枉然,因為上主賜安眠給他所愛的人。」 詩篇127:2



Waste of Time
Bible Reading: Psalm 127:1-5
Monday, September 24, 2012

Waste of Time When you are dying, what will you regret most? Will you wish you had spent more time at your job? Will you wish you had made more money? Or will you wish that you had spent more time with your family or that you had done more to serve God and other people?
Most people realize that they can’t take their money and possessions with them when they die. But they still work long hours and ignore their family. Why? So they can make even more money and buy more things. In the end, these people usually destroy their families and are very unhappy.
In our Bible Reading today, the writer says that if we do not make God the center of our lives, then everything we do is a waste of time. The writer also reminds us that children are a gift from God that we should enjoy.
We all need to work to take care of our needs. But don’t let work and money control you. Remember what is really important in life! —JKS

“It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a living. God cares for the people he loves, even while they are sleeping.” Psalm 127:2

PRAYER: Lord, help me to keep focused on You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月23日 星期日

讚美主名 我住在美國的威斯康辛州,我的兒子則住在德州。最近,我兒子和孫子來探望我,我帶他們去參觀密爾瓦基市的一間博物館。在那裡,我們看到了許多的展示品,它們展示了上帝的創造。我們看到了微小的螞蟻、身形巨大的鯨魚,以及其他的動物;我們認識了太陽系,也認識了湖泊、河流、高山,以及草原。
 每一天,我們都可以在四周看到上帝的創造。當我的家人和我離開博物館後,我們一同讚美並且感謝上帝創造了這一切奇妙的事物。今天,你要花一些時間來讚美及感謝上帝! —DJH*

「天上的諸天啊,要頌讚祂;天上的眾水啊,要頌讚祂。願萬象都頌讚上主的名!祂一命令,一切就造成。」 詩篇148:4-5



Praise His Name
Bible Reading: Psalm 148:1-14
Sunday September 23, 2012

Praise His Name I live in the state of Wisconsin. My son lives in Texas. Recently my son and grandson came to visit me. We took them to a museum in Milwaukee. There we saw many exhibits that showed God’s creation. We saw tiny ants, huge whales and other animals. We learned about the solar system and about lakes, rivers, mountains and prairies.
 Probably many people who saw the exhibits don’t believe that God made those things. But Psalm 148 tells us that God made all those things. Verses 8-10 say, “God made the fire and hail, the snow and smoke, and all the stormy winds. God made the mountains and hills, the fruit trees and cedar trees. God made all the wild animals and cattle, the reptiles and birds.”
 Every day we can see things around us that God made. When my family and I left the museum, we praised and thanked God for all the wonderful things He made. Take time to praise and thank God today! —DJH*

“Praise the Lord in the highest heaven! Waters above the sky, praise him! Praise the Lord’s name. Why? Because God gave the command, and we were all created!” Psalm 148:4-5

PRAYER: God, You are so powerful. We praise Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月22日 星期六

渴慕 有時候我會感到很口渴。記得有一次我在手術後醒來,嘴裡有著可怕的味道,我覺得嘴裡好像被塞滿了棉球。我請求護士給我喝一些水,而她給了我一小塊碎冰──這真是太棒了!




Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-8
Saturday September 22, 2012

Thirst Sometimes I become very thirsty. I remember when I was waking up after surgery. I had a terrible taste in my mouth. And I felt like my mouth was full of cotton balls. I begged the nurse for some water. She gave me a small piece of crushed ice. It was wonderful!
 In verse 1 of this psalm, David says, “God, you are my God. And I want you so much. My soul and body thirst for you, like a dry, weary land with no water.” I think I understand what David is talking about. Recently the place where I live experienced a time of no rain. The ground became dry and cracked. The grass was brown and ugly. Many plants died.
 Without God, my life is dry and ugly — just like the earth with no rain. So I need to “water” my life every day by reading the Bible. I also need to talk with God and learn His plan for my life.
 Are you thirsty for God? He wants you to talk to Him and learn from His Word today. —ES

“Your love is better than life. My lips praise you. Yes, I will praise you in my life. In your name, I lift my arms in prayer.” Psalm 63:3-4

PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving me and giving me Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月21日 星期五

寶貴的生命 (我的先生郝思德幾年前意外去世,他的死,讓我學會了許多東西。我想把這篇文章獻給他。)





Life is Precious
Bible Reading: Psalm 90:1-17
Friday September 21, 2012

Life is Precious (My husband, Sid Hall, died unexpectedly a few years ago. Through his death, I learned many things. I would like to dedicate this devotion to him.)

Psalm 90 was written by Moses. This psalm talks about how short life is. Verse 12 says, “Teach us how short our lives really are, so we can become really wise.” I realized this when my husband was dying. I remember asking God to allow Sid to wake up from his coma — just for a few minutes so we could talk together.
Sid’s death taught me that life is very precious. We need to use our time here on earth to enjoy our family members and friends. We do not know when we will die. So we should remember to use every minute to serve God.
Think about your life today. Thank God for giving you life. Talk with your family, write a note to a friend or help someone in need. Life is precious and short. Use your time wisely for God. —BH

“Fill us with your love every morning. Let us be happy and enjoy our lives. Let your servants see the wonderful things you can do for them. And let their children see your glory.” Psalm 90:14,16

PRAYER: God, I want to treasure the special moments you give me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月20日 星期四

親近上帝 詩篇第15篇是一首強而有力的詩歌,它是這樣起頭的:「上主啊,誰可進入祢的聖殿?誰可居住在祢的聖山錫安?就是行為正直,凡事順從上帝的人。他說話真誠。」(1-2節)




Close to God
Bible Reading: Psalm 15:1-5
Thursday September 20, 2012

Close to God Psalm 15 is a powerful psalm. The chapter begins this way: “Lord, who can live in your Holy Tent? Who can live on your holy mountain? Only a person who lives a pure life, and does good things, and speaks truth from the heart can live on your mountain” (verses 1-2).
The Holy Tent that the writer talks about is probably the temple in Jerusalem. And the holy mountain is Mount Zion where the temple was built. The writer is asking, “Who can be close to God?”
The psalm writer goes on to list things we should do if we want to be close to God. Here are a few things in that list: say and do good things, show honor to people who serve God, and keep our promises.
So I wonder if you are doing those good things. Or do you have things in your life that are keeping you from serving God? I encourage you to read this psalm several times. Search your heart and start focusing on God and His Word. Then you will be close to Him. —ZW

“If a person lives like that good man, then he will always be near God.” Psalm 15:5b

PRAYER: God, I want to be close to You. Help me to follow and obey Your Word every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月19日 星期三

倚靠上帝 現今,世界上有很多的政治問題,在一些國家裡,人民正在推翻他們的領導者。在美國,政治領袖常常在競選時做出許多的承諾,但是當選以後,他們並沒有信守諾言。正因為這樣,很多人並不相信政府會幫助他們。




Depend on God
Bible Reading: Psalm 146:1-10
Wednesday September 19, 2012

Depend on God The world today has many political problems. In some countries, people are overthrowing their leaders. In the United States, political leaders often make promises when they are running for office. But when they are elected, they do not keep their promises. Because of this, many people do not trust the government to help them.
Our Bible Reading today describes this same problem. Verse 3 tells us, “Don’t depend on your leaders for help. Don’t trust people. Why? Because people can’t save you.” Verse 4 tells us why people cannot save us. “People die and are buried. And then, all of their plans to help are gone.”
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Our help is only temporary. Only God will always do what He says. We can depend on God to take care of us for eternity. Depend on Him today! —JKS

“But people who ask God for help are very happy. Those people depend on the Lord their God. The Lord made heaven and earth. The Lord made the sea and everything in it. The Lord will protect them forever.” Psalm 146:5-6

PRAYER: God, I praise You. I thank You that You take care of me every day. I know I can always depend on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月18日 星期二

永遠相信上帝 你可曾想過上帝已經離你而去?或者,你感覺到上帝好像不回應你的禱告?當大衛感到沮喪和孤單的時候,他寫下了詩篇第22篇。但是我想,大衛知道上帝愛他,大衛在詩中說:「上主啊...我一出生就投靠你;我一離開母胎,你就是我的上帝。」(9-10節)
今天,你是否像大衛一樣感到沮喪和孤單呢?不要忘記,你可以永遠相信上帝並且倚靠祂。 —AS




Always Believe in God
Bible Reading: Psalm 22:1-21
Tuesday September 18, 2012 

Always Believe in God Do you ever think that God has left you? Or do you feel that God is not answering your prayers? Psalm 22 was written by David when he felt discouraged and alone. But I think David knew God loved him. David said, “God, the truth is that you really are the One I depend on...You have been my God since the day I was born” (verses 9-10a).
The verses in this psalm remind me of some other words. During World War II, millions of Jews were killed or placed in concentration camps. When the prisoners were finally freed, the soldiers found these words written on a wall: “I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when I am alone. I believe in God, even when He is silent.”
Even though David felt that God was far away, he still knew that God would hear his prayer. David did not lose his faith in God. He held on to his faith and trusted God to take care of him.
“My God, my God! Why did you leave me? You are too far away to save me! You are too far away to hear my cries for help!” Psalm 22:1

“Now, our God, we thank you. And we praise your glorious name!” 1 Chronicles 29:13

PRAYER: Dear God, I will always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月17日 星期一

詩篇第100篇 許多人說,詩篇第100篇是他們最喜愛的詩,為什麼呢?因為這是一首喜樂並且鼓勵人的詩歌。其中,作者要我們敬拜上帝,並且表明我們樂於服事祂。
跟其他的基督徒連結並且向上帝獻上感恩,對我們來說,是很重要的。今天,你要花一些時間安靜下來,想一想上帝對你的祝福。然後,為著祂賜下救恩的禮物以及永生的應許,你要感謝上帝! —IMJ




Psalm 100
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Monday September 17, 2012

Psalm 100 Many people say that Psalm 100 is their favorite psalm. Why? Because this psalm is happy and encouraging. The writer wants us to worship God and show that we are happy to serve Him.
Verse 1 says, “Earth, sing to the Lord!” This verse shows me that God created all the earth. All people should thank and worship God. But many people around the world worship false gods. These people bow down to wooden or golden idols. But only the one true God is worthy of our praise and love.
God would be very happy if all the people in the world worshiped Him. It is our job to share the news about God and salvation with people of all nations. Then they will join us in praising and worshiping God.
It is important for us to meet with other Christians and give thanks to God. Take some time today to stop and think about God’s blessings to you. Then thank Him for His gift of salvation and promise of eternal life. —IMJ

“Now, our God, we thank you. And we praise your glorious name!” 1 Chronicles 29:13

PRAYER: Father, I give You my praise. And I thank You for the many blessings You give me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (8)

on 2012年9月16日 星期日
上帝幫助我 (8)

上帝幫助我 (8) 世界上有很多的比賽,有比賽看誰跑得最快、看誰跳得最高,或是把東西丟得最遠。每一年,人們投票選出最漂亮或是最英俊的電影明星。也有可愛嬰兒的比賽,或是比賽看誰家小孩最多才多藝。在美國,甚至有比賽看誰可以吃下最多的熱狗!




God Helps Me (8)
Bible Reading: Psalm 89:1-14
Sunday September 16, 2012

God Helps Me (8) There are many competitions in the world. There are races to see who can run the fastest, jump the highest or throw an object the farthest. Each year people vote on which movie star is the prettiest or handsome. There are cute baby contests and contests to see whose child has the most talent. There is even a contest in the United States to see who can eat the most hotdogs!
Suppose I ask you, “Who is the most powerful?” Would you name a politician or someone who is rich and famous? Ethan the Ezrahite wrote Psalm 89. Here’s how he answered that question. “Lord God All-Powerful, there is no one like you. We can trust you completely” (verse 8).
God truly is the most powerful in all the universe. He is so great, but He still blesses us and helps us live for Him. Praise God for His awesome power! —SAH

“God, you have the power! Your power is great! The victory is yours! Your kingdom is built on truth and justice. Love and faithfulness are servants before your throne.” Psalm 89:13-14

PRAYER: Father, thank You for being all powerful and loving. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (7)

on 2012年9月15日 星期六
上帝幫助我 (7)

上帝幫助我 (7) 我有一個不好的習慣,就是有時候會感到不安!但上帝教導我不要擔心並且信靠祂。
詩篇第70篇中,作者向上帝哭求:「上帝啊,求你救我!上主啊,求你快來幫助我!」(第1節) 作者知道,上帝是他的幫助者與拯救者。上帝把我從不安中拯救出來,也讓我學會如何信靠祂,上帝也將會是你的幫助者與拯救者。—SAH




God Helps Me (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 70:1-5
Saturday September 15, 2012

God Helps Me (7) I have a bad habit. Sometimes I worry! But God has taught me to stop worrying and trust Him.
I am an interpreter. Usually I receive information about my interpreting assignments two days in advance. But one time I didn’t receive any information until right before I needed to interpret. Immediately I started worrying. I told God, “I don’t have enough time to prepare.” God answered me, “Trust me. You have enough time.”
I stopped worrying and started relaxing. It was a difficult interpreting assignment, but I trusted God. As I interpreted, I felt that God was helping me.
In Psalm 70, the writer cried out to God. “God, save me! God, hurry and help me” (verse 1). The writer knew that God was his helper and deliverer. God delivered me from worrying. And I learned how to trust Him. God will be your helper and deliverer, too. —SAH

“I am a poor, helpless man. God, hurry! Come and save me! God, only you can rescue me. Don’t be too late!” Psalm 70:5

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for helping me to trust You. I want to trust You to lead me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (6)

on 2012年9月14日 星期五
上帝幫助我 (6)

上帝幫助我 (6) 我有兩個孫子住在離我不遠的地方,因此我花很多時間和他們相處。當他們漸漸長大,我發現,要使他們學會順服,對他們的父母親來說,真是一大挑戰。
今天,因著祂賜下奇妙救恩的禮物,你要感謝上帝! —SAH




God Helps Me (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 68:19-21
Friday September 14, 2012

God Helps Me (6) Two of my grandchildren live close to me. So I spend a lot of time with them. As they get older, I notice that it is a big challenge for their parents to make them obey.
Just the other day, my oldest grandson’s mother told him to sit still while he was doing his homework. What did he do? He stood up and walked around the room! The other grandson was told not to touch something because it didn’t belong to him. What did he do? He touched it anyway!
God is my heavenly Father. He tells me things that I should do or not do — just like my grandsons were told by their parents. For example, God tells me to think about other people. What do I do? I am selfish and think about myself.
We are all responsible for the times that we have disobeyed God. Verse 19b of our Bible Reading tells us that God helps us by saving us from the punishment for our disobedience. How does God save us? He saves us through Jesus’ death on the cross.
Thank God for His wonderful gift of salvation today! —SAH

“He is our God. He is the God that saves us. The Lord our God saves us from death.” Psalm 68:20

PRAYER: God, thank You for Jesus. In His name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (5)

on 2012年9月13日 星期四
上帝幫助我 (5)

上帝幫助我 (5) 有一次我的丈夫必須到外地去,留我一個人在家。這讓我想起很久以前我的一段獨處的時光,我生命中一段重要的感情在那時候結束了。我的心碎了,但是沒有醫生能夠修補我的心。




God Helps Me (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:17-22
Thursday September 13, 2012

God Helps Me (5) My husband had to be out of town, and I was alone. That reminded me of another time long ago when I was alone. An important relationship in my life had ended. My heart was broken, but no doctor could fix it.
While I was feeling sad and alone, I went to church. People I didn’t even know showed me God’s love and His plan for my life. They encouraged and comforted me and gave me hope. One Sunday the pastor invited people to come forward and follow Jesus. I knew that Jesus was waiting for me. He healed my broken heart.
David wrote Psalm 34 when he was going through a bad time — just like me! In verse 18 he said, “When some people have troubles they stop being proud. The Lord is close to those humble people. He will save them.” God is near us when we are sad or broken-hearted.
No matter what is happening in your life today, God will be with you and help you. Ask Him to love and heal you. —SAH

“Look to God for help. You will be accepted. Don’t be ashamed.” Psalm 34:5

PRAYER: God, thank You for saving and healing me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (4)

on 2012年9月12日 星期三
上帝幫助我 (4)

上帝幫助我 (4) 當悲哀的事情發生在你身上的時候,你可能會感到沮喪並且失去盼望。也許你會覺得整個人陷在黑暗的深淵中,無法自拔。我曾經有這樣的感覺──絕望、不知所措、沮喪。
在我們面臨困難的時候,上帝會與我們同在。每一次我們讓上帝來幫助我們,我們就更相信將來祂仍然會幫助我們,上帝的光會永遠指引我們如何跟隨祂。 —SAH




God Helps Me (4)
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-14
Wednesday September 12, 2012

God Helps Me (4) When sad things happen to you, you might become depressed and lose hope. Maybe you feel like you are in a deep hole that you can’t climb out of. I have felt this way — hopeless, lost and discouraged.
When my friend invited me to her church, I learned about God, Jesus and the Bible. I started to feel hopeful, safe and encouraged. It was like God reached into my dark hole and pulled me out into the light.
Psalm 27 is about having confidence in God. The writer of this psalm remembered that God had helped him face darkness and fear. Verse 1 says, “Lord, you are my Light and my Savior. I should not be afraid of anyone!”
God is with us when we face times of trouble. Every time we let God help us, we become more confident that He will help us in the future. God’s light will always show us how to follow Him. —SAH

“Lord, your words are like a lamp lighting my path. Your laws are good. I promise to obey them. And I will keep my promise.” Psalm 119:105-106

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I know that Your light will always help and guide me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (3)

on 2012年9月11日 星期二
上帝幫助我 (3)

上帝幫助我 (3) 學校裡有基督信仰的老師真是我們的祝福,他們分享知識並且引導我們做對的事情。基督徒老師解答我們的疑問,並且在我們犯錯的時候指正我們。
如果讀經和禱告不是你生活中固定的一部份,那麼就從今天開始,讓上帝成為你的老師。上帝是美好的、公平的,祂也是仁慈的、真實的上帝(8-10節) —SAH

「我把你的話存在心裏,免得我得罪你。求你把你的法則教導我。我要高聲傳述你所立的一切法則。」 詩篇119:11-13



God Helps Me (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 25:4-10
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

God Helps Me (3) Christian teachers are a real blessing to us. They share their knowledge and guide us to do right things. Christian teachers answer our questions and correct us when we are wrong.
In Psalm 25, the writer was like a student. He wanted to learn from God, the best Teacher of all! So the writer asked God to teach him about life and to lead him. The writer knew that he could depend on God to be his guide every day. He asked God to forget his mistakes and to love him. In verse 8, the writer said, “The Lord is truly good. He teaches sinners the right way to live.”
Are you studying the Bible every day? Are you praying to God and paying attention to His answers? Are you obeying God’s commands? If you are, then God is your Teacher.
If Bible study and prayer are not a regular part of your life, then start today by allowing God to teach you. He is good, fair, kind and true (verses 8-10). —SAH

“I study your teachings very carefully. Why? So I will not sin against you...Teach me your laws. I will talk about all your wise decisions.” Psalm 119:11-13

PRAYER: Father, I want to learn more about You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (2)

on 2012年9月10日 星期一
上帝幫助我 (2)

上帝幫助我 (2) 也許你知道「剪刀、石頭、布」這個遊戲,這個遊戲用三種不同手勢來代表剪刀、石頭和布。玩的時候,兩個人要同時打出其中一種手勢,遊戲的目標是要打出擊敗對方的手勢。
上帝也是你的磐石,今天你就可以回轉向祂,向祂尋求幫助、安慰與平安! —SAH

「求你作我穩妥的避難所,作保護我的鞏固堡壘;因為你是我的避難所,我的堡壘。」 詩篇71:3



God Helps Me (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 18:30-37
Monday, September 10, 2012

God Helps Me (2) Maybe you know the game called “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” The game has different hand shapes for rock, paper and scissors. Two people make one of the three hand shapes at the same time. The goal of the game is to make the hand shape that beats the other one.
Here are the rules for the game: a rock can break scissors so the rock hand shape wins over scissors, and scissors can cut paper so the scissors hand shape wins over paper. But the third rule is hard for me to understand: paper can cover a rock, so the paper hand shape wins over rock. That doesn’t make sense to me. How can paper defeat a rock?
David wrote Psalm 18 when he was running from Saul and his army. In verse 31, David said, “There is no God except the Lord. There is no Rock, except our God.” Here David called God his Rock. God isn’t a rock like in the game. Paper can’t defeat Him. Nothing can defeat God!
God is your Rock, too. You can turn to Him for help, comfort and safety today! —SAH

“Be my fortress, the home I can run to for safety. You are my Rock, my place of safety.” Psalm 71:3a

PRAYER: Lord, I know that I can run to You and You will keep me safe. Thank You for being my Rock. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

上帝幫助我 (1)

on 2012年9月9日 星期日
上帝幫助我 (1)

上帝幫助我 (1) 我曾經遭遇過很多令人難過的事情。我的父親去世了,房子被颱風吹壞了,婚姻也以離婚收場。之後,我的母親、祖母,以及兄弟相繼過世,我感到十分傷心,走路時總是垂頭喪氣。我就好像一株快枯萎的植物,急需要補充水分!
如果你感到悲傷,就呼求上帝吧!祂會幫助你,讓你的心思專注於祂,以及祂為你的一生所預備的計劃上。 —SAH

「上主啊,我頌讚你,因為你救了我...」 詩篇30:1



God Helps Me (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 3:1-8
Sunday, September 9, 2012

God Helps Me (1) A lot of bad things happened to me. My father died, my house was damaged by a hurricane, and my marriage ended in divorce. Then my mother, grandmother and brother died. I was very sad. I walked around with my shoulders hunched over and my head hanging down. I must have looked like a plant that needed water!
One Sunday, a friend invited me to her church. During the worship service, I felt God’s love. It was like He lifted up my head so I could look up and see Him. God helped me focus on Him instead of myself.
Psalm 3 was written by David when he was running away from his son, Absalom. Absalom was trying to kill David. In verse 3 David said, “But, Lord, you are my shield. You are my Glory. Lord, you make me important!” The Hebrew word translated “make me important” really means “lift up my head.” David was saying that God “lifted up his head” so he could focus on God and not his problem.
If you are feeling sad, call on God. He will help you focus on Him and His plan for your life. —SAH

“Lord, you lifted me up out of my troubles...So I will show honor to you.” Psalm 30:1

PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your comfort and help. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月8日 星期六

上帝的創造 小時候,我和哥哥會在我們家後院的沙堆上玩,我們總會在那裡玩上好幾個小時。我們會在沙堆上造幾條路,然後在這些假想的馬路上開玩具汽車和卡車。
只有上帝才能創造出海洋、動物或是月亮這類的東西,上帝實在配得我們的頌讚。今天,就讓我們欣賞上帝的創造並且讚美祂吧! —CW

「上主啊,你的創造繁多。這一切都是你智慧的果實;遍地充滿了你的造物。」 詩篇104:24



God’s Creation
Bible Reading: Psalm 104:1-35
Saturday, September 8, 2012

God's Creation When I was a child, my brother and I played in a sand pile in our backyard. We spent many hours playing there. We built roads in the sand and drove our cars and trucks on those imaginary roads.
Often our mother would let us take a pail of water to the sand pile. When the sand was mixed with water, we could make sand castles. Our castles were not beautiful, but we had fun building them. After we had played with a castle for a while, we would knock it down and build another one.
My brother and I tried to create things from the sand. But what we made was small and ugly compared to the wonderful things God has created. Our Bible verses today tell us about many things God has made. These verses help us understand how wonderful God really is.
Only God can make things like the ocean, animals or the moon. God is truly worthy of our praise. Look at the things God has made and praise Him today! —CW*

“Lord, you have done many wonderful things. The earth is full of the things you made. We see your wisdom in everything you do.” Psalm 104:24

PRAYER: Lord, when I look at Your creation, I am so amazed. Thank You for being an awesome God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月7日 星期五

饒恕 假設每個人在出生的時候頭上都裝了一台錄影機,每次當人犯罪的時候,錄影機就會啟動並錄下所犯的罪,然後當他們死去、面對上帝時,錄影機會重播他們一生所犯的罪。

「如果你記錄我們的罪過,誰能逃脫懲罰呢?」 詩篇130:3



Bible Reading: Psalm 130:1-8
Friday, September 7, 2012

Forgiveness Suppose that each person was born with a video recorder in their head. And every time a person sinned, that recorder would turn on and record their sin. Then when they died and faced God, the recorder would show all their sins.
If that was true, we would probably stand before God and make excuses, “But I was a good person. I went to church every week, and I helped poor people.” But our excuses would not take away our sins. We would be humbled and ashamed.
God’s forgiveness is our only hope. God’s forgiveness is free and complete. Jesus died on the cross so we can have a way for God to forgive our sins. Verse 8 of our Bible Reading says, “The Lord saves us again and again. And the Lord will forgive Israel for all their sins.”
God forgives me, even when I sin again and again. I should remember this when other people hurt me. I need to be like God and forgive other people.
Ask God to forgive your sins. And be sure to forgive others. —BL

“Lord, if you really punished people for all of their sins, no person would be left alive.” Psalm 130:3

PRAYER: God, thank You for loving me and forgiving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年9月6日 星期四

上帝拯救 今天聖經閱讀的第5節說:「求祢俯允我們,用祢的大能援救我們,使祢所愛的子民獲救。」我想,我了解這詩篇作者的感受。
上帝今天要幫助你,你要回轉向祂,祂會安慰你並使你得著力量。 —CC

「上帝在我們這邊,我們必勝;他一定會打敗我們的仇敵。」 詩篇60:12



God Rescues
Bible Reading: Psalm 60:1-12
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Honest Prayers Verse 5 of today’s Bible Reading says, “Use your great power and save us! Answer my prayer and save the people you love!” I think I know how the writer of this psalm felt.
At one time, my young adult daughter wanted to make her own decisions. But she had some problems, and she was rebellious. I was always nervous when she went out alone. I was afraid that she would make wrong choices and be hurt.
During those times, I prayed, “God, you love her. Please rescue her and make her whole.” I knew that God was the only One who could help my daughter and keep her safe.
God has helped my daughter. She makes wiser decisions now. My daughter has chosen to study the Bible and be friends with mature Christians. God heard my cries, just like he heard the cries of the person who wrote this psalm.
God will help you today. Turn to Him for comfort and strength. —CC

“Only God can make us strong. Only God can defeat our enemies.” Psalm 60:12

PRAYER: Father, You are so awesome and wonderful. Thank You for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.