上帝幫助我 (7)

on 2012年9月15日 星期六
上帝幫助我 (7)

上帝幫助我 (7) 我有一個不好的習慣,就是有時候會感到不安!但上帝教導我不要擔心並且信靠祂。
詩篇第70篇中,作者向上帝哭求:「上帝啊,求你救我!上主啊,求你快來幫助我!」(第1節) 作者知道,上帝是他的幫助者與拯救者。上帝把我從不安中拯救出來,也讓我學會如何信靠祂,上帝也將會是你的幫助者與拯救者。—SAH




God Helps Me (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 70:1-5
Saturday September 15, 2012

God Helps Me (7) I have a bad habit. Sometimes I worry! But God has taught me to stop worrying and trust Him.
I am an interpreter. Usually I receive information about my interpreting assignments two days in advance. But one time I didn’t receive any information until right before I needed to interpret. Immediately I started worrying. I told God, “I don’t have enough time to prepare.” God answered me, “Trust me. You have enough time.”
I stopped worrying and started relaxing. It was a difficult interpreting assignment, but I trusted God. As I interpreted, I felt that God was helping me.
In Psalm 70, the writer cried out to God. “God, save me! God, hurry and help me” (verse 1). The writer knew that God was his helper and deliverer. God delivered me from worrying. And I learned how to trust Him. God will be your helper and deliverer, too. —SAH

“I am a poor, helpless man. God, hurry! Come and save me! God, only you can rescue me. Don’t be too late!” Psalm 70:5

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for helping me to trust You. I want to trust You to lead me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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