
on 2012年9月17日 星期一

詩篇第100篇 許多人說,詩篇第100篇是他們最喜愛的詩,為什麼呢?因為這是一首喜樂並且鼓勵人的詩歌。其中,作者要我們敬拜上帝,並且表明我們樂於服事祂。
跟其他的基督徒連結並且向上帝獻上感恩,對我們來說,是很重要的。今天,你要花一些時間安靜下來,想一想上帝對你的祝福。然後,為著祂賜下救恩的禮物以及永生的應許,你要感謝上帝! —IMJ




Psalm 100
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Monday September 17, 2012

Psalm 100 Many people say that Psalm 100 is their favorite psalm. Why? Because this psalm is happy and encouraging. The writer wants us to worship God and show that we are happy to serve Him.
Verse 1 says, “Earth, sing to the Lord!” This verse shows me that God created all the earth. All people should thank and worship God. But many people around the world worship false gods. These people bow down to wooden or golden idols. But only the one true God is worthy of our praise and love.
God would be very happy if all the people in the world worshiped Him. It is our job to share the news about God and salvation with people of all nations. Then they will join us in praising and worshiping God.
It is important for us to meet with other Christians and give thanks to God. Take some time today to stop and think about God’s blessings to you. Then thank Him for His gift of salvation and promise of eternal life. —IMJ

“Now, our God, we thank you. And we praise your glorious name!” 1 Chronicles 29:13

PRAYER: Father, I give You my praise. And I thank You for the many blessings You give me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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