上帝幫助我 (1)

on 2012年9月9日 星期日
上帝幫助我 (1)

上帝幫助我 (1) 我曾經遭遇過很多令人難過的事情。我的父親去世了,房子被颱風吹壞了,婚姻也以離婚收場。之後,我的母親、祖母,以及兄弟相繼過世,我感到十分傷心,走路時總是垂頭喪氣。我就好像一株快枯萎的植物,急需要補充水分!
如果你感到悲傷,就呼求上帝吧!祂會幫助你,讓你的心思專注於祂,以及祂為你的一生所預備的計劃上。 —SAH

「上主啊,我頌讚你,因為你救了我...」 詩篇30:1



God Helps Me (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 3:1-8
Sunday, September 9, 2012

God Helps Me (1) A lot of bad things happened to me. My father died, my house was damaged by a hurricane, and my marriage ended in divorce. Then my mother, grandmother and brother died. I was very sad. I walked around with my shoulders hunched over and my head hanging down. I must have looked like a plant that needed water!
One Sunday, a friend invited me to her church. During the worship service, I felt God’s love. It was like He lifted up my head so I could look up and see Him. God helped me focus on Him instead of myself.
Psalm 3 was written by David when he was running away from his son, Absalom. Absalom was trying to kill David. In verse 3 David said, “But, Lord, you are my shield. You are my Glory. Lord, you make me important!” The Hebrew word translated “make me important” really means “lift up my head.” David was saying that God “lifted up his head” so he could focus on God and not his problem.
If you are feeling sad, call on God. He will help you focus on Him and His plan for your life. —SAH

“Lord, you lifted me up out of my troubles...So I will show honor to you.” Psalm 30:1

PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your comfort and help. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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