
on 2012年9月22日 星期六

渴慕 有時候我會感到很口渴。記得有一次我在手術後醒來,嘴裡有著可怕的味道,我覺得嘴裡好像被塞滿了棉球。我請求護士給我喝一些水,而她給了我一小塊碎冰──這真是太棒了!




Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-8
Saturday September 22, 2012

Thirst Sometimes I become very thirsty. I remember when I was waking up after surgery. I had a terrible taste in my mouth. And I felt like my mouth was full of cotton balls. I begged the nurse for some water. She gave me a small piece of crushed ice. It was wonderful!
 In verse 1 of this psalm, David says, “God, you are my God. And I want you so much. My soul and body thirst for you, like a dry, weary land with no water.” I think I understand what David is talking about. Recently the place where I live experienced a time of no rain. The ground became dry and cracked. The grass was brown and ugly. Many plants died.
 Without God, my life is dry and ugly — just like the earth with no rain. So I need to “water” my life every day by reading the Bible. I also need to talk with God and learn His plan for my life.
 Are you thirsty for God? He wants you to talk to Him and learn from His Word today. —ES

“Your love is better than life. My lips praise you. Yes, I will praise you in my life. In your name, I lift my arms in prayer.” Psalm 63:3-4

PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving me and giving me Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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