
on 2012年9月8日 星期六

上帝的創造 小時候,我和哥哥會在我們家後院的沙堆上玩,我們總會在那裡玩上好幾個小時。我們會在沙堆上造幾條路,然後在這些假想的馬路上開玩具汽車和卡車。
只有上帝才能創造出海洋、動物或是月亮這類的東西,上帝實在配得我們的頌讚。今天,就讓我們欣賞上帝的創造並且讚美祂吧! —CW

「上主啊,你的創造繁多。這一切都是你智慧的果實;遍地充滿了你的造物。」 詩篇104:24



God’s Creation
Bible Reading: Psalm 104:1-35
Saturday, September 8, 2012

God's Creation When I was a child, my brother and I played in a sand pile in our backyard. We spent many hours playing there. We built roads in the sand and drove our cars and trucks on those imaginary roads.
Often our mother would let us take a pail of water to the sand pile. When the sand was mixed with water, we could make sand castles. Our castles were not beautiful, but we had fun building them. After we had played with a castle for a while, we would knock it down and build another one.
My brother and I tried to create things from the sand. But what we made was small and ugly compared to the wonderful things God has created. Our Bible verses today tell us about many things God has made. These verses help us understand how wonderful God really is.
Only God can make things like the ocean, animals or the moon. God is truly worthy of our praise. Look at the things God has made and praise Him today! —CW*

“Lord, you have done many wonderful things. The earth is full of the things you made. We see your wisdom in everything you do.” Psalm 104:24

PRAYER: Lord, when I look at Your creation, I am so amazed. Thank You for being an awesome God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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