
on 2012年9月20日 星期四

親近上帝 詩篇第15篇是一首強而有力的詩歌,它是這樣起頭的:「上主啊,誰可進入祢的聖殿?誰可居住在祢的聖山錫安?就是行為正直,凡事順從上帝的人。他說話真誠。」(1-2節)




Close to God
Bible Reading: Psalm 15:1-5
Thursday September 20, 2012

Close to God Psalm 15 is a powerful psalm. The chapter begins this way: “Lord, who can live in your Holy Tent? Who can live on your holy mountain? Only a person who lives a pure life, and does good things, and speaks truth from the heart can live on your mountain” (verses 1-2).
The Holy Tent that the writer talks about is probably the temple in Jerusalem. And the holy mountain is Mount Zion where the temple was built. The writer is asking, “Who can be close to God?”
The psalm writer goes on to list things we should do if we want to be close to God. Here are a few things in that list: say and do good things, show honor to people who serve God, and keep our promises.
So I wonder if you are doing those good things. Or do you have things in your life that are keeping you from serving God? I encourage you to read this psalm several times. Search your heart and start focusing on God and His Word. Then you will be close to Him. —ZW

“If a person lives like that good man, then he will always be near God.” Psalm 15:5b

PRAYER: God, I want to be close to You. Help me to follow and obey Your Word every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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