
on 2012年10月3日 星期三

讚美的詩歌 我喜歡藉由詩歌來敬拜和讚美上帝。我很愛唱歌,而當我有機會幫助聽障者敬拜上帝時,我感到很高興。
 今天,不論你在生活中發生了什麼事,你仍然可以敬拜和讚美上帝。你要像大衛一樣,用你的讚美來榮耀上帝。 —SAH

「所以我不緘默,我要歌唱頌讚祢;上主─我的上帝啊,我要永遠感謝祢。」 詩篇30:12 禱告:天父,今天我要讚美祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們!


Songs of Praise
Bible Reading: Psalm 59:1-17
Wednesday October 3, 2012

Songs of Praise I love to praise and worship God through songs. I love to sing so much that my name sign is the sign for music made with the “s” hand shape. I am happy when I can help deaf people worship God.
 The word “psalm” comes from a Greek word that means “a song sung while someone plays a harp.” The Book of Psalms in the Bible is a collection of prayers and poetry that were sung by the Israelites when they worshiped God.
 Many psalms tell about bad things that happened to people. But they also remind us to praise and worship God, no matter what bad things are happening. David wrote Psalm 59 when King Saul was trying to kill him. Saul sent spies to watch David’s house. This was a bad situation, but David still praised God. In verse 17, David said, “I will sing my songs of praise to you...You are the God who loves me!”
 No matter what is happening in your life today, you can still worship and praise God. Be like David and honor God with your praises. —SAH

“Lord, my God, I will praise you forever, so there will never be silence, and there will always be someone singing songs to honor you.” Psalm 30:12

PRAYER: Father, I want to praise You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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