
on 2012年10月5日 星期五

上帝審判  詩篇第76篇告訴我們,上帝是多麼大有能力而且令人敬畏。第3節說:「在那裏,他折斷仇敵的弓箭,毀壞他們的盾牌、刀劍、各種武器。」這節經文告訴我們,上帝審判人,並且祂將打倒那些對祂不敬的人。

「上帝啊,你多麼光榮!你擊敗敵人,從群山回來,多麼威嚴!上帝啊,你可敬可畏」詩篇76:4, 7a


God Judges
Bible Reading: Psalm 76:1-12
Friday, October 5, 2012

God Judges  Psalm 76 shows us that God is awesome and powerful. Verse 3 says, “In that place, God shattered the bows and arrows, shields, swords, and other weapons of war.” This verse shows us that God judges people and that He defeats those people who do not respect Him.
  Psalm 76 continues to give us examples of God’s power. Verse 6 tells us that God “yelled at those soldiers, and that army with chariots and horses fell dead!” And when God makes His judgments, the whole earth is “silent and afraid” (verse 8b).
  These verses tell me how God punishes evil people. But they also remind me that God is powerful enough to help me with problems that I face. If God can defeat armies and nations, He can help me when I feel afraid and alone.
  I may face problems and challenges today. If I stand alone, I may fail. But if I ask God to help and encourage me, He will make me strong. —BH

“God, you are glorious coming back from the hills where you defeated your enemies. God, you are awesome!” Psalm 76:4,7a

PRAYER: Lord, I know that You will be with me today and help me stand strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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