
on 2012年8月23日 星期四

良善 加拉太書第五章告訴我們,接下來聖靈賜下的東西是「良善」。有時候,我們會在電視節目中看到一個小孩子想要去做好事、去做對的事,但是其他的小孩卻努力鼓動他去做不對的事。他們會嘲笑那個善良的小孩,並且給他取一些不雅的名字。我們為那個小孩感到難過,但是,上帝卻要我們像這個小孩一樣;上帝要我們厭棄世界上一切不好的事情,祂要我們去做好事、去做對的事。
今天,我們要像約伯一樣,厭棄那些圍繞在我們身邊、邪惡的事,並且要守住那些好的事、對的事。別人也許會對我們做一些不好的事情,但是上帝會看顧我們。上帝因著約伯的良善而看顧他、祝福他,上帝也會同樣地看顧你、祝福你。 —JK




Bible Reading: Job 1:1-12
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Goodness Galatians, chapter 5, tells us that the next thing the Spirit gives is goodness. Sometimes on a TV program we see a child who wants to do what is good and right. Other children try to encourage that child to do what is wrong. They call the good child bad names and tease him. We feel sorry for that child. But God wants us to act like this child. God wants us to hate the bad things in the world and do what is good and right.
Job was a man who was full of goodness. Our Bible Reading says that he was a good, faithful man. Job worshiped God and refused to do evil things. God allowed the devil to do terrible things to Job — he lost his children, his home and his possessions. But Job still followed God. Later God blessed Job with much more than he had before.
Today we need to be like Job. We should hate the evil things around us. We should protect things that are right and good. People may do bad things to us, but God will take care of us. God took care of Job and blessed him for his goodness. God will bless and take care of you, too. —JK

“Hate the things that are evil. Do only the things that are good.” Romans 12:9b

PRAYER: Father in heaven, help me to be like Job. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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