愛 (5)

on 2013年9月5日 星期四
愛 (5)
聖經閱讀:約翰福音21:15-19 現代中譯本|合和本

愛 (5)  耶穌被捉拿後,有三個不同的人指著彼得問他是不是耶穌的門徒,彼得都回答每一個人說,他「不是」耶穌的門徒。彼得三次不認耶穌,之後他對自己所做的事感到很難過。
 你要學像耶穌,要藉著包容別人、?恕別人來向人表達你的愛。 —CPE*
「他(彼得)回答:『主啊,是的,你知道我愛你。』」 約翰福音21:16b

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Love (5)
Bible Reading: John 21:15-19
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Love (5)  After Jesus was arrested, three different people asked Peter if he was a follower of Jesus. Peter responded to each person that he was NOT a follower of Jesus. Peter denied Jesus three times. Then he felt really bad for what he had done.
 Our Bible Reading today is another example of Jesus’ great and forgiving love. Jesus could have been very angry with Peter for denying Him three times. Jesus could have punished Peter. But what did Jesus do? He was patient with Peter. He continued to love Peter. Jesus also forgave Peter. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Peter responded three times that he loved Jesus.
 After Jesus went to heaven, what did Peter do? Peter became a very bold preacher. He told people about Jesus. Many people believed in Jesus and were baptized! You can read through the book of Acts and see all the wonderful things Peter did for Jesus.
 Be like Jesus. Show your love to other people by being patient with them and forgiving them, too. —CPE*
“Peter answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’” John 21:16b
PRAYER: God, You are amazing. Help me to be patient and forgiving. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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