
on 2013年9月16日 星期一
聖經閱讀:約翰福音15:9-15 現代中譯本|合和本

奇妙的愛  今天的經文談到一種奇妙的愛,第13節說:「人為朋友犧牲自己的性命,人間的愛沒有比這更偉大的了。」
 想想今天你會遇見的人,其中有一些人會是你的朋友,而有一些則是陌生人。你要記住,要用上帝愛你的方式去愛所有的人。 —GT
「我告訴你們這些事,為要使你們得到我的喜樂,讓你們的喜樂滿溢。你們要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣;這是我的命令。」 約翰福音15:11-12

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Amazing Love
Bible Reading: John 15:9-15
Monday, September 16, 2013

Amazing Love  Today’s Bible verses talk about an amazing kind of love. Verse 13 says, “The greatest love people can show is to die for their friends.”
 This verse reminds me of people who serve in the American military. These people are willing to fight and die for their own freedom and the freedom of their families. But they are also willing to die for total strangers — people like you and me. That is truly amazing love!
 People in the military are willing to die for good people, bad people, teachers, drunks, doctors, truckers, old people and young people — every person who has ever lived. That’s the kind of love God has for us. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it for all people.
 Think about the people you will meet today. Some will be your friends. Others will be strangers. Remember to love them all the same way God loves you! —GT
“I have told you these things so that you can have the true happiness that I have. I want you to be completely happy. This is what I command you: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:11-12
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing love. I want to love everyone with this same kind of love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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