
on 2013年9月7日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇46:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

詩篇46  詩篇46是一首非常激勵人心的詩歌,第1節說:「上帝是我們的避難所和力量,是我們患難中隨時的幫助。」
 另外,這些經節之所以激勵人心,是因為它們告訴我們上帝大有能力和令人敬畏的作為。上帝有什麼樣的作為呢?上帝祂幫助我們 (第5b節)、祂平息戰亂 (第9a節),而且祂在萬國被尊崇、在地上受敬奉 (第10節)。而上帝如何能夠成就這些事呢?因為祂是萬軍之耶和華 (第7節)。
「來看上主的作為;看他在地上所做的奇事。」 詩篇46:8b

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Psalm 46
Bible Reading: Psalm 46:1-11
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Psalm 46  Psalm 46 is a very encouraging psalm. Verse 1 says, “God is our protection and source of strength. He is always ready to help us in times of trouble.”
 These verses are encouraging because they remind us to not be afraid. Verses 2 and 3 talk about earthquakes, mountains falling into the sea, seas that are rough and dark and mountains that tremble. How can we not be afraid when these things happen? Because “God is our protection and source of strength.”
 These verses are also encouraging because they tell us about the powerful and awesome things God has done. What has God done? He helps us (verse 5b). God stops wars (verse 9a). And He defeats the nations and controls the world (verse 10). How can God do these things? Because He is All-Powerful (verse 7).
 No matter what you will face today, you can know that God is your protection and source of strength. Depend on Him! —ECW
“Look at the powerful things the Lord has done. See the awesome things he has done on earth.” Psalm 46:8b
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to completely depend on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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