
on 2013年9月21日 星期六
聖經閱讀:箴言6:12-19 現代中譯本|合和本

說謊  當我在小學一年級的時候,我們學校有一個特別的計畫。有人為我們製作了一個大型的娃娃屋,而我們的任務就是去佈置這個娃娃屋並幫它上色。
 你要確定今天所做是事是尊榮上帝、蒙上帝喜悅的。 —DJH*
「說實話,顯示公正;作假證,傷害無辜。」 箴言12:17

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Telling Lies
Bible Reading: Proverbs 6:12-19
Friday, September 21, 2013

Telling Lies  When I was in first grade, our school had a special project. Someone made a large doll house for us. Our job was to paint and furnish the doll house.
 One day another girl and I were painting the doll house. I accidentally spilled some paint. I tried to clean it up, but my teacher noticed the mess. She asked who had spilled the paint. I pointed to the other girl and said, “I think she did it!”
 My teacher soon discovered that I had spilled the paint. She removed me from the classroom and disciplined me. She did not punish me for spilling the paint — that was an accident. She punished me for lying.
 Verse 17 of our Bible Reading today tells us that lying is one thing that God hates. I could not fool my teacher, and we cannot fool God. He knows us, and He knows when we do not tell the truth.
 Make sure that you are doing things today that please and honor God. —DJH*
“Good people speak the truth and can be trusted in court, but liars make bad witnesses.” Proverbs 12:17
PRAYER: Dear God, I don’t want to tell lies. Help me to please You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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