
on 2012年12月13日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇84:1-12 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的家  所羅門王建造很漂亮的聖殿獻給上帝,這是上帝的居所,也是以色列人敬拜上帝的地方。
 現今,我們已不在聖殿裡敬拜上帝,在任何地方我們都可以敬拜上帝,我希望你喜愛讚美上帝並且敬拜祂。 —IMJ
「上主─萬軍的統帥啊,我多麼愛慕你的居所!我多麼渴慕上主的殿宇!我用整個身心向永生的上帝歡呼歌唱。」 詩篇84:1-2

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God’s House
Bible Reading: Psalm 84:1-12
Thursday, December 13, 2012

God’s House  King Solomon built a beautiful temple and dedicated it to God. This was the place where God lived and where the Israelites worshiped God.
 Luke 2:36-38 tells us about a woman named Anna. Verse 37b tells us that “Anna was always at the temple; she never left. She worshiped God by fasting and praying day and night.” There are also many other examples of people who prayed and worshiped God in the temple.
 In our psalm today, the writer says in verse 10, “One day in your temple is better than a thousand days in any other place. Standing at the gate of my God’s house is better than living in the house of a wicked man.” The writer meant that he would rather be a servant in God’s house than live with people who do not serve Him.
 We do not worship God today in a temple. We can worship Him anywhere. I hope that you love to praise God and worship Him. —IMJ
“Lord All-Powerful, your temple is really lovely. Lord, I can’t wait to enter your temple. I’m so excited! Every part of me wants to be with the Living God.” Psalm 84:1-2
PRAYER: God, I want to talk with You today and praise You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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