
on 2012年12月8日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇6:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

醫治  一個月會有一次,我的教會會邀請有病痛的人到講台前面來,然後我們會為他們禱告,求上帝醫治他們。有時候,上帝會藉由現代醫術來醫治人,但也有時候,許多人只有藉著禱告才能被醫治。
 今天你需要上帝的醫治嗎?向祂禱告並承認你的過犯,然後請求祂賜下對你最好的照顧。 —AS
「他垂聽我求助的呼喊;他悅納我的禱告。」 詩篇6:9

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Bible Reading: Psalm 6:1-10
December 8, 2012

Healing  Once a month, my church invites people who are sick to come forward. Then we pray for them and ask God to heal them. Sometimes God works through modern medicine to heal people. But other times, people are only healed through prayer.
 The writer of Psalm 6 was “sick and weak” (verse 2a). He said to God, “Heal me! My bones are shaking. My whole body is shaking” (verses 2b-3a). The writer prayed and asked God to heal him. When healing comes through our prayers, it is a special gift from God.
 When God heals someone, He can heal them physically, mentally and spiritually. When we pray and ask God to heal us, our faith is strengthened and we learn that our physical bodies will not last forever. That makes us depend on God even more.
 Do you need God’s healing today? Pray to Him, confess your sins and then ask Him to do what is best for you. —AS
“The Lord heard my prayer. And the Lord accepted and answered my prayer.” Psalm 6:9
PRAYER: God, please have mercy on us and heal us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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