聖誕節心情 (5)

on 2012年12月20日 星期四
聖誕節心情 (5)
聖經閱讀:詩篇37:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

聖誕節心情 (5)  大多數的人會想要在聖誕節的時候得到一些東西。小孩子想要在聖誕節的早上發現特別的玩具,大人會想要吃一些特別的食物並且得到喜愛的禮物,也許你每年都列了聖誕節清單,上面寫著你想要的東西。
「我向上主只求一件事;只有這一件事是我的期望:就是一生一世住在上主的家,在殿宇裏瞻仰他的美善,尋求他的引導。」 詩篇27:4

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Christmas Emotions (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 37:1-8
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Emotions (5)  Most people want things at Christmas. A child wants to find that special toy on Christmas morning. Adults want special foods and gifts that they enjoy. Maybe you make a Christmas list each year of the things you want.
 Verse 4 of our Bible Reading says, “Enjoy serving the Lord, and he will give you what you want.” Does that mean that God will give you everything on your Christmas list? No! This means that when we enjoy serving God, we will want the same things that God wants. We will want to do things that please Him.
 How can we enjoy serving God? First, we can thank God for sending Jesus. Then, we can give God control of our lives. We can also trust Him to take care of us. Finally, we can share God’s Word with other people.
 I hope that you enjoy serving God today. Look for ways to help and encourage other people. God will bless you and give you His love and protection. —GT
“I ask only one thing from the Lord: ‘Let me sit in his temple all my life, so I can see the Lord’s beauty and visit his palace.’” Psalm 27:4
PRAYER: Lord, I love You with all my heart. Help me to want the same things that You want. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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