
on 2012年12月7日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇142:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

不再孤單  詩篇第142篇的作者感到很孤單,所以,他禱告懇求上帝幫助他。在第7b節中,他說他知道上帝會照顧他。
 上帝沒有留下我獨自一人,祂照顧了我。今天,祂也會照顧你。 —SP*
「上帝親近所有求告他的人。」 詩篇145:18a

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Never Alone
Bible Reading: Psalm 142:1-7
Friday, December 7, 2012

Never Alone  The writer of Psalm 142 felt all alone. So, he prayed and asked God to help him. In verse 7b, he said he knew God would take care of him.
 That’s how I felt recently. My job is to write grant (money) applications for a school district. One day I was asked to write a grant to fund something that I knew the Bible says is wrong. I needed to make a decision. Would I write the grant? Or would I follow God’s Word?
 So I decided to do what the writer of this psalm did. I prayed and I read my Bible. I decided that I would refuse to write the grant. I knew that I might lose my job, but I felt it was more important to obey God.
 I had a meeting with my boss and the superintendent. They told me that I might be fired. But God helped me be calm. I told them that I needed to obey God. In the end, they told me that they respected me and that I would not lose my job.
 God did not leave me alone. He took care of me. He will take care of you today, too. —SP*
“The Lord is close to every person who calls to him for help.” Psalm 145:18a
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to make You most important in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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