
on 2012年12月15日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇103:1-22 現代中譯本|合和本

讚美上帝!  讚美上帝會讓你感覺興奮嗎?你讚美上帝時會帶著喜樂來唱歌或比手語嗎?當你去教會時,是否看到很多人臉上帶著笑容在讚美上帝呢?
 哇!真奇妙!上帝是可敬畏的上帝,祂配得我們所有的讚美、我們的喜樂和笑容。今天就用一段時間來全心讚美祂! —CPE*
「一切被造物啊,要頌讚上主;要在他治下的每一角落頌讚他。我的靈啊,要頌讚上主!」 詩篇103:22

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Praise God!
Bible Reading: Psalm 103:1-22
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Praise God!  Are you excited to praise God? Do you sing or sign with joy when you praise God? When you go to church, are there a lot of smiles on people’s faces as they praise God?
 Psalm 103 is a very exciting song that David sang to God! David knew that God deserved to be praised with much excitement. In verse 1, David said, “My soul, praise the Lord! Every part of me, praise his holy name!”
 There are many reasons why David praised God. David praised God because God is kind. God forgives all our sins. He heals us from our sicknesses. God blesses us with plenty of things. He is fair. God is patient and full of love. He knows all about us. God will continue to love us forever and ever!
 Wow! Amazing! God is an awesome God. He deserves all of our praise, our joy and our smiles. Take time today to praise Him with all of your heart! —CPE*
“The Lord made everything in every place. God rules everything in every place. And all those things should praise the Lord! My soul, praise the Lord” Psalm 103:22
PRAYER: Dear God, You are amazing! I praise You with all of my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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