聖誕節心情 (7)

on 2012年12月22日 星期六
聖誕節心情 (7)
聖經閱讀:詩篇17:1-15 現代中譯本|合和本

聖誕節心情 (7)  聖誕節是一個讓許多人感到不滿足的日子,也許他們看到了別人買的禮物而感到不滿足,因為他們買不起昂貴的禮物,或許是期待收到特別的禮物卻不能如願而不滿足。
 當你愛上帝並且天天服事祂時,你就可以得到滿足。 —GT
「渴望實行上帝旨意的人多麼有福啊;上帝要充分地滿足他們!」 馬太福音5:6

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Christmas Emotions (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 17:1-15
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Emotions (7)  Christmas is a time when many people feel dissatisfied. Maybe they look at all the presents other people buy. They feel dissatisfied because they cannot afford to buy fancy presents. Or maybe they expect to receive a special Christmas present. But when they get something else instead, they are not satisfied.
 Verse 15 of our Bible Reading today talks about being satisfied. “I prayed for fairness. So I will see your face, Lord. And seeing you, Lord, I will be fully satisfied.” If we want complete satisfaction in life, we should focus on God. We must have a personal relationship with Him and try to please Him every day.
 So my question for you is: What are you focusing on this Christmas? Are you only thinking about getting presents and having a good time? Or are you focusing on the ways you can serve God through this Christmas season?
 You can feel satisfied when you love and serve God every day. —GT
“What great blessings there are for the people that want to do right more than anything else! God will fully satisfy them.” Matthew 5:6
PRAYER: Father, I want to be focused on You this Christmas In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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