下雪 (3)

on 2012年12月30日 星期日
下雪 (3)
聖經閱讀:詩篇51:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

雪 (3)  當我的小孩還小的時候,我曾經買了「雪白象牙」(Ivory Snow)牌的洗衣精,我喜歡這種肥皂,因為可以把小孩的衣服洗得很乾淨。這種洗衣精是白色的,這讓我想起了「雪」。
「上帝啊,我獻上的祭是憂傷的靈;憂傷痛悔的心,你不拒絕。」 詩篇51:17

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Snow (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-17
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow (3)  When my children were young, I bought a laundry detergent called Ivory Snow. I liked this soap because it cleaned my children’s clothes so well. That detergent was white, and it reminded me of snow.
 Right after it snows, the ground looks so white and clean. There is nothing that looks fresher and cleaner than a new layer of snow.
 When we sin, our lives are not pure and clean any more. God does not want us to stay dirty with sin. So He has given us a way to be clean again. God sent Jesus to earth to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus died so our lives can be clean and pure.
 In our Bible verses, David confessed his sin and asked God to make him “whiter than snow” (verse 7b). David said that then he would be happy again.
 Accept God’s gift of salvation today and allow Him to make you clean again. —CW*
“The sacrifice that God wants is a humble spirit. God, you will not turn away a person who comes with a humble, submissive heart.” Psalm 51:17
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for taking away my sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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