
on 2012年12月26日 星期三
聖經閱讀:詩篇45:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

君王  詩篇第45篇是寫給君王的,這位君王可能是所羅門王,是一位屬世的君王;然而,有些人認為這詩篇是在描寫耶穌,那位在多年後來到世上的屬天君王。
「…你的寶座永遠長存;你以公道治理你的王國。你喜愛正義,憎恨邪惡;」 詩篇45:6-7a

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The King
Bible Reading: Psalm 45:1-17
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The King  Psalm 45 is written to a king. This king may have been Solomon. Solomon was an earthly king. However, some people think that this psalm may have been written about Jesus, who would come to earth many years later as our Heavenly King.
 What does this psalm tell us about the king? First, He fights for goodness and fairness (verse 4a). Second, He does amazing things (verse 4b). Third, His kingdom continues forever (verse 6a). And finally, He loves goodness and hates evil (verse 7).
 Verse 10 mentions a lady. This may be talking about the church, who is Jesus’ bride. Ephesians 5:27 says, “Christ died so that he could give the church to himself like a bride, full of glory (beauty).”
 The last verse of this psalm says, “I will make your name famous forever. People will praise you forever and ever!” Truly Jesus’ name continues to be praised. Praise Him today for His goodness and love! —JK
“...your throne continues forever! Goodness is your royal scepter. You love goodness and you hate evil.” Psalm 45:6-7a
PRAYER: God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our King. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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