使徒行傳中的女人 (1)

on 2014年7月1日 星期二
使徒行傳中的女人 (1)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳1:12-14 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的女人 (1)  使徒行傳跟我們談到當時女人參與教會的事情,其中有些女人在建立教會時扮演重要的角色。有些女人只有簡單被提到,但是所有這些女人可以在事奉和愛上帝方面給我們一些教導。
 馬利亞相信耶穌並且透過祂的教會來服事上帝,你也可以透過你的地方教會來服事上帝。就去尋找上帝可以使用你來傳揚祂的救恩信息的方法。 —JK
「他們常在一起同心禱告;當中也有幾個婦女和耶穌的母親馬利亞,以及他的兄弟們。」 使徒行傳1:14

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Women in Acts (1)
Bible Reading: Acts 1:12-14
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Women in Acts (1)  Acts tells us about women who were part of the church. Some of these women had important roles in starting the church. Other women were only mentioned briefly. But all these women can teach us something about serving and loving God.
 One of the first women mentioned in Acts is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Our Bible Reading tells us that Mary was one of the women who met with the apostles after Jesus went back to heaven. Why did Mary meet with the apostles? She met with them to pray.
 It must have been exciting to be part of that prayer group. Maybe they were not sure they could do God’s work without Jesus. Perhaps they wondered how they could share the Good News with so many other people.
 Mary believed in Jesus and served God through His church. You can serve God through your local church, too. Look for ways God can use you to spread His message of salvation. —JK
“The apostles were all together. They were constantly praying with the same purpose. Some women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers were there with the apostles.” Acts 1:14
PRAYER: Father, show me how I can serve you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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