使徒行傳中的女人 (10)

on 2014年7月10日 星期四
使徒行傳中的女人 (10)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳18:1-3 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的女人 (10)  保羅離開雅典,來到哥林多。他在那裡遇到了亞居拉和他的妻子百基拉,他們是被羅馬皇帝強迫離開羅馬的猶太人。百基拉和亞居拉靠製造帳棚維持生活,跟保羅同業,所以保羅留下來跟他們一起工作。百基拉和她的丈夫幫忙教導一個名叫亞波羅的人,他們「就請他到家裏去,更加準確地把上帝的道路向他解釋」(使徒行傳18:26b)。
 今天上帝賜給我們機會學像百基拉和亞居拉,我們可以為宣教士禱告並在財務上支持他們,我們也可以跟著宣教士去幫助他們的事工。就求上帝讓你知道什麼地方最合適你去服事祂。 —JK
「請問候事奉基督耶穌的同工百基拉和亞居拉。」 羅馬書16:3

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Women in Acts (10)
Bible Reading: Acts 18:1-3
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Women in Acts (10)  Paul went to the city of Athens. There he met Aquila and his wife, Priscilla. They were Jews who had been forced by the Roman emperor to leave Rome. Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers. Paul was a tentmaker, too, so he stayed and worked with them. Priscilla and her husband helped teach a man named Apollos. They “took him to their home and helped him understand the way of God better” (Acts 18:26b).
 Several times Paul mentioned Priscilla and her husband in his letters to churches. They must have been very faithful people who helped take care of Paul and other Christians. One time Paul even said that “they risked their own lives to save mine” (Romans 16:3b).
 Today God gives us opportunities to be like Priscilla and Aquila. We can pray for missionaries and support them financially. We can also go on mission trips to help missionaries do their work. Ask God to show you where you can serve Him best. —JK
“Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, who have worked together with me for Jesus Christ.” Romans 16:3a
PRAYER: God, show me how I can help missionaries to share the news about Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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