
on 2014年7月14日 星期一
聖經閱讀:路加福音6:43-49 現代中譯本|合和本

行為  葛蘭是一個深情的丈夫,他跟太太結婚已經很多年了,每一天葛蘭都對太太說他愛她好幾次。
 耶穌不希望我們只聆聽祂的命令,祂要我們用行為來表現出我們是順服祂的。今天務必要照著耶穌所說話的去做! -NW
「孩子們,我們的愛不應該只是口頭上的愛,必須是真實的愛,用行為證明出來!」 約翰一書3:18

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Bible Reading: Luke 6:43-49
Monday, July 14, 2014

Actions  Glen was a loving husband. He and his wife were married for many years. Several times every day Glen told his wife that he loved her.
 But most people did not know that Glen was an unfaithful husband. He had several affairs during his marriage. Eventually Glen left his wife for another woman. Glen’s words said that he loved his wife, but his actions showed something different.
 In verse 49 of our Bible Reading, Jesus talked about people who paid attention to His message but did not obey it. He said those people are like “a man who builds a house without preparing a foundation. When the floods come, the house falls down easily and is completely destroyed.”
 Jesus doesn’t want us to only listen to His commands. He wants our actions to show that we are obeying Him. Be sure that you do what Jesus says today! —NM
“My children, our love should not be only words and talk. No, our love must be real. We must show our love by the things we do.”1 John 3:18
PRAYER: Faithful Father, I want to listen to You and obey You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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