
on 2014年7月24日 星期四
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 4:8-22 現代中譯本|合和本

順服上帝  彼得和約翰宣講耶穌的福音,一些猶太領袖非常反感,因此就將彼得和約翰關進監牢。今天的經文告訴我們,彼得仍然繼續宣講耶穌的福音。
 今天就順服上帝,不要害怕去向人傳講上帝的兒子! —ECW
「但那遵守上帝的道的人,他對上帝的愛就達到完全。那說他有上帝的生命的,應該照耶穌基督的言行生活;這樣,我們才有把握說,我們有他的生命。」 約翰一書2:5-6

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Obeying God
Bible Reading: Acts 4:8-22
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Obeying God  Peter and John preached about Jesus. Some Jewish leaders did not like that, so they put Peter and John in jail. In our Bible verses for today, Peter continued to preach about Jesus.
 The Jewish leaders told Peter and John “not to say anything or to teach anything in the name of Jesus” (verse 18b). But Peter and John answered them, “Should we obey you or God? We cannot be quiet. We must tell people about what we have seen and heard” (verse 19b).
 Sometimes people make fun of us or threaten us when we talk about Jesus. It is easy to just give up and stop talking about Jesus. But God wants us to obey Him and tell others about Jesus. When we talk about Jesus, we may face problems. But God will be with us and help us — just like He was with Peter and John.
 Obey God today. Don’t be afraid to tell others about His Son! —ECW
“But when we obey God’s teaching, his love is truly working in us. This is how we know that we are living in him. If we say we live in God, we must live the way Jesus lived.”1 John 2:5-6
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to obey and trust You as I share Jesus with others. In His name. Amen.

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