
on 2014年7月27日 星期日
聖經閱讀:以斯帖記4:12-17 現代中譯本|合和本

以斯帖  以斯帖記是關於一個年輕猶太女子以斯帖的精采故事。亞哈隨魯王揀選了以斯帖作為他的皇后。以斯帖和她的堂哥莫底改知道了一個名叫哈曼的人想要殺害所有的猶太人,以斯帖和莫底改就幫助國王揭發哈曼的邪惡計畫。亞哈隨魯王便將哈曼吊死,拯救了以斯帖和所有的猶太人。
 今天就學像以斯帖,讓上帝使用你去接觸那些需要認識耶穌和祂的救恩禮物的人。 -JD*
「王喜愛她勝過其他任何少女;她比其他任何一個女子更贏得王的恩寵。」 以斯帖2:17a

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Bible Reading: Esther 4:12-17
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Esther  The book of Esther is a wonderful story about a young Jewish girl, Esther. King Xerxes chose Esther to be his queen. Esther and her cousin, Mordecai, learned that a man named Haman wanted to kill all the Jews. Esther and Mordecai helped the king find out about Haman’s evil plan. King Xerxes hanged Haman and saved Esther and all the Jewish people.
 In our Bible Reading today, Mordecai reminded Esther that God was using her to save the Jews. In verse 14b, Mordecai said, “...who knows, maybe you have been chosen to be the queen for such a time as this.”
 Sometimes we may not understand God’s plan for our lives. But our job is to obey and follow God. He will lead us and use us to serve Him.
 Be like Esther today. Allow God to use you to reach out to people who need to know about Jesus and His gift of salvation. —JD*
“The king loved Esther more than any of the other young women, and she became his favorite. He approved of her more than any of the others.” Esther 2:17a
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to obey and follow You. Show me how I can serve You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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