使徒行傳中的女人 (8)

on 2014年7月8日 星期二
使徒行傳中的女人 (8)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:13-15 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的女人 (8)  保羅到達腓立比城,他在那裡遇到一個名叫呂底亞的女人,她相信上帝並和許多婦女一起聚集禱告。保羅向這群婦女宣講耶穌的福音,「主敞開了她的心,使她留心聆聽保羅所講的話。她和她一家的人都受洗禮」(第14b-15a節)。
 你要找一些方法來殷勤接待其他基督徒。請一個家庭到你家用餐、邀請一位到訪的宣教士住到你家,或是送一份餐點給長輩或是生病的人。今天就去愛並鼓勵你在主裡的弟兄姐妹。 —JK
「他們同心合意……又分別在各人的家裏分享愛筵,以歡喜純潔的心一起用飯,」 使徒行傳2:46

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Women in Acts (8)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:13-15
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Women in Acts (8)  Paul traveled to the city of Philippi. There he met a woman named Lydia. She believed in God and gathered with some women to pray. Paul preached to the women about Jesus. “Lydia was listening to Paul, and the Lord opened her heart to accept what Paul was saying. She and all the people living in her house were baptized” (verses 14b-15a).
 Lydia gave Paul and his friends a place to stay and food to eat while they were in Philippi. That is called hospitality. In 1 Peter 4:9, Peter encourages Christians to practice hospitality. “Open your homes to each other and share your food without complaining.”
 Look for ways that you can show hospitality to other Christians. Ask a family to come to your home for a meal. Invite a visiting missionary to stay in your home. Take a meal to an elderly person or someone who is sick. Love and encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ today! —JK
“The believers shared a common purpose...They also ate together in their homes. They were happy to share their food and ate with joyful hearts.” Acts 2:46
PRAYER: God, I want to share with other Christians and encourage them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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