使徒行傳中的女人 (9)

on 2014年7月9日 星期三
使徒行傳中的女人 (9)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:16-24 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的女人 (9)  有一天保羅和他的朋友遇到一個女奴,這個女奴被邪靈附身,給了她占卜未來發生什麼事的能力。有一個人擁有這個女孩,靠著她占卜未來的能力幫他賺很多錢。
 今天世界上有很多跟隨魔鬼的人,這些人必須認識耶穌和祂白白的救恩禮物。今天就去向人傳講耶穌。 —JK
「(耶穌說:)你們要到世界各地去,向全人類傳福音。」 馬可福音16:15

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Women in Acts (9)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:16-24
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Women in Acts (9)  One day Paul and his friends met a servant girl. This girl had a spirit from the devil that gave her power to tell what would happen in the future. Some men owned this girl and made lots of money when she told about the future.
 The servant girl started following Paul and his friends. Verse 17b tells us, “She kept shouting, ‘These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how you can be saved!’” Paul commanded the evil spirit to come out of the girl. The men who owned the girl were upset because they couldn’t use the girl to make money any more. So, they had Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into jail.
 We don’t know what happened to the servant girl after this. I am sure she must have been happy to be free from the evil spirit. I hope that she learned about Jesus and became a Christian.
 There are many people in the world today who are following the devil. Those people need to know about Jesus and His free gift of salvation. Tell someone about Jesus today. —JK
“[Jesus said,] Go everywhere in the world. Tell the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15
PRAYER: God, I love You and want to share Your love with other people today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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