
on 2012年11月1日 星期四

常常讚美上帝  小時候,我很喜歡唱歌。我記得「耶穌愛我」(Jesus Loves Me)這首歌,這首歌教我知道,耶穌愛我是因為聖經有這樣說。另一首我記得的歌是「聖經」(The B-I-B-L-E),這首歌教我要倚靠上帝的話(聖經)站立得穩。
 詩篇第34篇是很有趣的一首歌!你也可以(用手語)唱詩篇給上帝聽。你要像大衛一樣,常常讚美上帝。 —CPE*
「我要時常感謝上主;我要不斷地讚美他。」 詩篇34:1

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Praise God Always
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:1-22
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Praise God Always  I enjoyed signing songs while I was growing up. I remember the song “Jesus Loves Me.” This song taught me to know that Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me that He does. Another song I remember signing was “The B-I-B-L-E.” That song taught me that I should stand strong in the Bible, God’s Word.
 Psalm 34 is another song written by David. It is unique and beautiful. David sang it in Hebrew. Each verse in this psalm begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
 This psalm, or song, can teach and remind us of many important things about God. Praise the Lord at all times. Honor His name. Remember that you can go to the Lord for help. He will listen to you. Don’t be ashamed. He will save you from all your troubles.
 God gives blessings to people who depend on Him. We should fear and respect God. Never tell a lie. Stop doing evil. Do good. Look for peace. God will hear your prayers.
 Psalm 34 is a very interesting song! You can sign psalms to God, too. Be like David. Praise God always! —CPE*
“I bless the Lord all the time. His praise is always on my lips.” Psalm 34:1
PRAYER: Dear God, I praise You and honor Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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