
on 2012年11月23日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇55:1-23 現代中譯本|合和本

黑暗日子  有時候,當人們遭遇困難時,他們會說那是生命中的一段「黑暗日子」,他們遇到的麻煩如此的大,讓他們的生命似乎看不到一絲曙光和希望。
 今天,也許你正經歷生命中的「黑暗日子」,就跟上帝說吧!將你的憂慮告訴祂,然後完全信靠祂。 —CW*
「然而,我倚靠你不變的愛;我要因你的拯救喜樂。上主啊,我要向你歌唱,因為你施恩厚待我。」 詩篇13:5-6

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Dark Times
Bible Reading: Psalm 55:1-23
Friday, November 23, 2012

Dark Times  Sometimes when people are facing problems, they say it is a “dark time” in their life. Their troubles are so overwhelming that it seems that nothing bright and cheerful happens in their lives.
 The writer of Psalm 55 was going through a “dark time.” He was scared, and he wanted to run away from his problems. The writer was surrounded by lies, violence and fighting. Even his best friend was causing him trouble.
 Then in verses 16 and 17 he says, “I will call to God for help. And the Lord will answer me. I speak to God evening, morning, and noon. I tell him what upsets me, and he listens to me!” The writer ends this psalm by saying in verse 23b, “I will put my trust in you.” Now the writer was coming out of his “dark time” and seeing the “light” of God’s goodness and love.
 Maybe you are going through a “dark time” in your life today. Talk to God. Tell Him your worries, and then completely trust Him. —CW*
“Lord, I trusted in your love to help me. You saved me and made me happy! I sing a happy song to the Lord because he did good things for me.” Psalm 13:5-6
PRAYER: God, thank You for bringing light into my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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