感恩節 (3)

on 2012年11月20日 星期二
感恩節 (3)
聖經閱讀:詩篇111:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩節 (3)  詩篇第111篇第2及第3節說:「上主的作為多麼奇偉!凡喜愛它的人都願意明白。他的作為充滿尊榮威嚴;他的公義永垂不朽。」因為這樣,所以我們慶祝感恩節!今天,以及明、後兩天,我們要來談談如何感謝上帝。
 上帝已經為你行了許多奇妙的事,我希望你能花時間感謝祂對你的照顧。你不一定要住在美國才能慶祝感恩節,不管住哪裡,你都可以過感恩節,跟上帝說謝謝。 —GT

「他神聖可畏!敬畏上主是智慧的開端;他賜明智給遵行命令的人。他應該永遠受頌讚!」 詩篇111:9b-10

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Thanksgiving (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 111:1-10
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving (3)  Verses 2 and 3 of Psalm 111 say, “The Lord does wonderful things. People want those good things that come from God. God does truly glorious and wonderful things. His goodness continues forever.” That is why we celebrate Thanksgiving! Today and for the next two days, we will talk about how we can thank God.
 The first way we can say “Thank You” to God is to love Him. We can show our love by accepting His gift of forgiveness and salvation. We also show our love by praising God and telling other people about Him. When we love God, we will say, “Thank You for everything You have done. Thank You, God, for everything You have given me.”
 God has done wonderful things for you. I hope you will take time to thank God for the ways He takes care of you. You don’t have to live in America to celebrate a day of thanks. You can do it wherever you live. —GT
“God’s name is amazing and holy. Wisdom begins with fear and respect for God. People who obey God are very wise. Praises will be sung to God forever.” Psalm 111:9b-10
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You are so wonderful! Thank You for the amazing things You have done for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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