
on 2012年11月30日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇87:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

出生地  我的眼睛盯著前面的表格,第一個空格問我的姓名,姓名代表著我的家庭背景;第二個空格要我填上年紀,我的年紀顯示我在世上活了多久;最後的空格要我填出生地,這透露我是哪裡人。
「然而,我們是天上的公民;我們一心等候著我們的救主,就是主耶穌基督從天上降臨。」 腓立比書3:20

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Place of Birth
Bible Reading: Psalm 87:1-7
Friday, November 30, 2012

Place of Birth  I stared at the form in front of me. The first blank asked for my name. My name shows my family background. The next blank wanted my age. My age shows how long I have lived on earth. The last blank was for my place of birth. This shows where I have my citizenship.
 Verse 6 of today’s Bible Reading says, “God keeps a list about all his people. God knows where each person was born.” God has a plan for where each of us will be born. He had a purpose for His Son, Jesus, to be born in Bethlehem. And God had a purpose for Paul to be born in Tarsus. Because of that, Paul was a Roman citizen who could travel freely around the Roman Empire, telling people about Jesus.
 When we become Christians, we are born again. Then we have a new place of birth. We are born into a new life and become part of God’s family. Our citizenship is in heaven where we will live forever. Thank God today for making you one of His children. —CC
“But our homeland is in heaven. We are waiting for our Savior to come from heaven. Our Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20a
PRAYER: God, thank You for making me part of Your family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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