
on 2012年11月4日 星期日

讚美和感謝  當我的孫子兩歲時,有時候他會這樣跟我打招呼:「爺爺,妳回家去吧!」過了幾年,當他看到我時,他會說:「爺爺,妳有口香糖嗎?」隨著年紀增長,我的孫子對我說的話也在改變。
 今天,你要想一想你的禱告生活。你的禱告是否只是不停地求上帝賜下你想要的東西?因著上帝為你所做的一切,你的禱告一定要感謝和讚美祂。 —NM
「你們要感謝上主,宣揚他的偉大;要向萬國述說他的作為。」 詩篇105:1

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Praise and Thanks
Bible Reading: Psalm 105:1-5
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Praise and Thanks  When my grandson was two years old, he would sometimes greet me with these words, “Go home, Grandma!” A few years later, when he saw me, he would say, “Do you have any gum, Grandma?” As my grandson becomes older, his words to me change.
 Before we were Christians, we may have said to God, “Go away. I don’t want You in my life.” Then after we became Christians, our prayers might have been only asking God to give us things. But, if we want to be mature Christians, our prayers should be filled with praise and thanks to God.
 As my grandson grows older, his conversation becomes more mature. In the same way, as we grow in Christ, we should say/sign more praises and thanks to God. Our Bible verses encourage us to share our praises with God.
 Think about your prayer life today. Are your prayers just a list of things you want God to give you? Be sure that your prayers give praise and thanks to God for all He has done for you! —NM
“Thank the Lord! Worship his name. Tell the nations about the wonderful things he does.” Psalm 105:1
PRAYER: God, I praise You and thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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