
on 2012年11月2日 星期五

敵人  我的房子一團亂!書桌上堆滿了文件,散落一地的髒衣服,水槽裡還有待洗的碗盤。我實在很忙,沒辦法做完家事,一團亂的房子是我的敵人。
「上主啊,你是拯救我的盾牌。你用右手扶持我;你的眷佑使我興旺。」 詩篇18:35

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Bible Reading: Psalm 18:30-42
Friday, November 2, 2012

Enemies  My house was a mess! There was paperwork on the desk, laundry on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. I was just too busy to get all my housework done. My house was my enemy!
 Our Bible verses today talk about enemies. David wrote about the enemies who chased him. But God helped David defeat his enemies. In verse 42, David said, “I beat my enemies to pieces. They were like dust blowing in the wind. I crushed them into small pieces.”
 David’s enemies were armies and people who were trying to kill him. But you probably have enemies in your life, too. Maybe your enemy is a bad habit that you can’t give up or a temptation you can’t resist. Or maybe, like me, your enemy is some work that you can’t finish.
 No matter what your enemy is, God can help you overcome it. He will give you strength and a way to defeat your enemy. Ask God to help you today. —CC
“God, you protected me and helped me win. You supported me with your right arm. You helped me defeat my enemy.” Psalm 18:35
PRAYER: Dear God, I know that You will be with me and help me overcome my enemies. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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