詩篇中的音樂 (1)

on 2012年11月5日 星期一
詩篇中的音樂 (1)

詩篇中的音樂 (1)  聖經中的詩篇是寫給以色列人唱的,他們在殿中敬拜時會唱這些詩歌,這些詩歌幫助他們和上帝分享心情與感受。今天的經文是一首詩歌,是每個星期以色列人在殿中敬拜時會唱的詩歌之一。接下來幾天,我們要來看詩篇中談到音樂的經文。
「大地和其中的一切都屬於上主;世界和世上的居民也屬於他。」 詩篇24:1

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Psalms Music (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 24:1-10
Monday, November 5, 2012

Psalms Music (1)  The psalms we read in our Bible were written to be sung by the Israelites in their temple worship. These songs helped them share their feelings with God. Our Bible Reading today was one of the psalms used every week in temple worship. For the next few days, we will look at verses in Psalms that talk about music.
 The Bible shows us that music is a very important way to praise and thank God. It was also common for the Israelites to write songs about an important event in their lives. In Exodus 15, we find a song that Moses and the Israelites sang after God helped them cross the Red Sea. Both Hannah (1 Samuel 2) and Mary (Luke 1) sang songs of praise to God.
 In his letters in the New Testament, Paul encouraged Christians to sing. And in Revelation 5:9 we read that the 24 elders “sang a new song” to the Lamb (Jesus). It is wonderful to think about all Christians (both deaf and hearing) singing together in heaven!
 Praise God today because He is our “glorious King” (verse 10)! —DF
“The earth and everything on it belong to the Lord. The world and all its people belong to him.” Psalm 24:1
PRAYER: God, our King, we love You and praise You. In Jesus’ name.

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