詩篇中的音樂 (5)

on 2012年11月9日 星期五
詩篇中的音樂 (5)

詩篇中的音樂 (5)  在聖經的年代裡,號角可以用在許多不同的事上。今天的詩篇中,我們看到號角用來宣告上帝正坐在祂的寶座上。
 我希望你已經準備好迎接耶穌再來,並且帶領信徒與祂一起同享永生。 —DF
「要頌讚他大能的作為;要頌讚他至高無上!要吹號頌讚他;要彈琴奏瑟頌讚他!」 詩篇150:2-3

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Psalms Music (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 47:1-9
Friday, November 9, 2012

Psalms Music (5)  The trumpet was used for many things in Bible times. In this psalm, we read that trumpets announced that God was on His throne.
 Trumpets were used during times of celebration such as feasts and festivals. They were played when people brought their offerings to God. And, trumpets were sounded to call people to worship, to announce the start of a battle or when God was ready to judge His people. The first trumpets were curved rams’ horns. Later trumpets were made from silver and shaped like a long tube.
 Verses 16-17 of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, tell us about the time when Jesus will return. Jesus will give a command, and that “command will be given with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God.” That trumpet will be a wonderful sound for all Christians!
 I hope that you are ready for Jesus to come and take His followers to live forever with Him. —DF
“Praise God for the great things he does! Praise him for all his greatness! Praise God with trumpets and horns! Praise him with harps and lyres!” Psalm 150:2-3
PRAYER: Lord, I want to be ready for Jesus’ return. In His name. Amen.

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