
on 2012年11月12日 星期一

上帝的恩惠  今天的經文談到一個憂慮不安的人,他懷疑上帝是否已經離開了他,他說:「我整夜舉手禱告,但得不到安慰。」(第2b節)
「上帝啊,求你聽我的呼求;求你垂聽我的禱告……求你領我到安全的避難所,因為你是我的保護者,是我抗拒敵人的堡壘。」 詩篇61:1-3

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God’s Goodness
Bible Reading: Psalm 77:1-20
Monday, November 12, 2012

God’s Goodness  Our Bible Reading today is about a man who is troubled. He wonders whether God has left him alone. “I reached out for you all night long. My soul refused to be comforted” (verse 2b).
 In verse 10, the man wonders if God has lost His power. But instead of thinking that God has left him, the writer says in verse 11, “I remember the amazing things that you did long ago.” Then the man lists some things that show God’s goodness to the Israelites.
 When I am depressed, I often think about the bad things that have happened to me. I even imagine bad things that might happen in the future. Instead, I should be focusing on how God has helped me and how He will continue strengthening me.
 God has done many wonderful things for you. He takes care of you every day. And, most importantly, God has given you the gift of salvation through Jesus. Think about His goodness today. —SH*
“God, hear my prayer song. Listen to my prayer...You are my place of safety! You are the strong tower protecting me from my enemies.” Psalm 61:1-3
PRAYER: Father, I know that You love me. Thank You for sending Jesus to die for me. In His name. Amen.

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