
on 2012年11月16日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇71:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

避難所  每一天我都為孩子們禱告,現在他們都長大了,不再跟我一起住,因此我不太清楚能為他們禱告什麼,但我總是祈求上帝幫助他們、祝福他們,並且保守他們平安。
 今天,請為你的家人和朋友禱告,祈求上帝保守他們平安。 —BH

「上主啊,我向你求庇護;求你別讓我失望蒙羞。你是公義的,求你幫助我,救援我。」 詩篇71:1-2a

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Place of Safety
Bible Reading: Psalm 71:1-24
Friday, November 16, 2012

Place of Safety  Every day I pray for my children. They are grown now and don’t live with me. I don’t know specifically what to pray each day for them, but I always ask God to help them, bless them and keep them safe.
 Recently I realized that God had answered my prayer of safety for one of my sons. He is an ambulance driver. One morning he was driving a patient to the hospital. All of a sudden, the semi-truck in front of him exploded. My son was able to steer clear of the burning truck and keep himself, his crew member and the patient safe. God answered my prayer that day!
 Verse 3a of our Bible Reading says, “Be my fortress, the home I can run to for safety. You are my Rock, my place of safety.” God is strong and powerful like a rock. God always knows what is best for us. He will always pay attention to our prayers.
 Pray for your family members and friends today. Ask God to keep them safe. —BH

“Lord, I trust you, so I will never be disappointed. In your goodness, you will save me. You will rescue me.” Psalm 71:1-2a
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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