
on 2013年1月26日 星期六
聖經閱讀:約伯記37:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝掌管一切  我跟我先生住在一個以農業為生的社區裡,我們的鄰居都是農夫,而鎮上的許多行業都跟農業有關。
「你知道上帝奇異的作為,怎樣使雲彩在空中浮動嗎?」 約伯記37:16

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God is In Control
Bible Reading: Job 37:1-24
Saturday, January 26, 2013

God is In Control  My husband and I live on an acreage in a farming community. Our neighbors are farmers, and many businesses in town are connected with farming.
 Many people love to farm. But farming can be a risky business. Why? Because farming depends on the weather. If the rains don’t come, the crops will die. Or if it rains too much, the crops will not grow and produce well.
 Many farmers would like to control the weather so they could always have good crops. But the only one who controls the weather is God. We can see His power in a hurricane or a tornado. And we can see His beauty in a streak of brilliant lightning or drops of rain on a leaf.
 Our Bible verses today remind us that only God can control thunder, lightning, wind, clouds and rain. We cannot understand how God does this, but we can be thankful that He takes care of the earth we live on. Thank God today and praise Him for all the wonderful things He does for you! —JK
“Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky? This is just one of the amazing works of the one who knows everything.” Job 37:16
PRAYER: God, thank You for the wonderful world You have made for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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